Mental Health Awareness
So there is a side of me that really maybe only a couple of you know, which is I am a big hard rock/heavy metal fan. So in the interest of mental health awareness, I am sharing this bit of me and this article/video with you to demonstrate what many of you know, which is that mental illness touches everyone, and some cultures you may not be aware of take it as seriously as those that are always out there championing the cause. So the lead singer of this hard rock band has done a song about his sister who is bipolar and is conducting a fund raising and awareness campaign. Many, if not all of you, will not care for the music, which is fine, and the video may be a bit disturbing. But read the article, and if nothing else, fast forward through the video to the end for the mental health facts they have included. It is quite profound. If nothing else, you may find a band that you enjoy! Paul
Paul Cecchettini, Ed.D. Licensed Psychologist Director of Services Turning Point Community Programs