Interested in volunteering for Sacramento County Health and Human Services?
Follow these easy steps:
Reflect on the type of volunteer or internship placement you'd like. Consider what populations you'd like to work with to help. Provide home visiting services to the elderly? Participate in special projects? Work in an office setting? Think about what you'd like to get out of your volunteer or student internship to meet your needs.
Review the volunteer and internship opportunities by category (listed on the right of this page: working with children, working with seniors, medical, administration and events, student internships).
Read each brief description. If you'd like more information on a particular opportunity, simply click on the name of the opportunity to open a link to the full job description. Review the job description carefully to make sure you can meet the schedule commitment and it matches your needs, as you identified them in step #1.
Once you've selected a volunteer/internship position, download a brief application (located under the heading "Forms and Resources"). Mail the complete form to the Volunteer and Student Intern Office at the address on the application form.
You may also send the application form, along with your resume to e-mail address: .
- The Volunteer Office will contact you once we receive your application. You can also contact our office at for more information regarding the position of your interest.
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