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Aging-Related Websites

This site is for people over 50: Your voice. Your choice. Your attitude.

Access 2 Readiness Coalition
The Access 2 Readiness Coalition was formed in response to the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers’ (CFILC) 2006 emergency preparedness summit. The website contains emergency preparedness planning resources for persons with disabilities and seniors, disaster preparedness tips, and state and national advocacy tools.

Administration on Aging
This site provides information from the Federal government on older persons and services for the elderly.

AgeNet Eldercare Network
This site is the national eldercare network: Its purpose is to meet the specific needs of the fastgrowing aging population and for their adult caregiving children.

Aging Services of California
Aging Services of California is a public-interest association representing providers of affordable housing, continuing care retirement communities, assisted living, skilled nursing, and home and community-based care.

American Federation for Aging Research
Since 1981 AFAR has helped scientists begin and further careers in aging research and geriatric medicine.

American Foundation for the Blind
Every seven minutes, someone in America will become blind or visually impaired. Since 1921, the American Foundation for the Blind to which Helen Keller devoted more than 40 years of her life has been eliminating barriers that prevent people who are blind or visually impaired from reaching their potential. The American Foundation for the Blind is dedicated to addressing the critical issues of literacy, independent living, employment, and access through technology for the ten million Americans who are blind or visually impaired.

American Society on Aging
American Society on Aging strides to Enhance the knowledge and skills of those working with older adults and their families.

Bureau of Census
A bureau of the US Department of Commerce provides facts and information on the US population particularly Census 2000.

California Association of Area Agencies on Aging
The California Association of Area Agencies on Aging is a non-profit organization representing California’s Area Agencies on Aging.

California Care Network
This site is designed to help you find state-licensed health, social services, mental health , alcohol and other drug, disability, and elder care services and facilities for a loved one, a friend, or yourself.

California Department of Aging
California Department of Aging administers a broad range of home and community-based services throughout California, working primarily with the 33 Area Agencies on Aging which serve seniors and adult with functional impairment.

US Housing and Urban Development, Housing for Seniors
Looking for housing options for yourself, an aging parent, relative, or friend? Do some research first to determine what kind of assistance or living arrangement you need; what your health insurance might cover; and what you can afford. Then check here for financial assistance resources and guides for making the right choice. Talk to a HUD-approved housing counselor if you have questions about your situation.

US Social Security Administration
You can apply online for Social Security retirement, disability, or spouses' benefits. It`s quick and easy, and all the information you give us will be secure.

USC Ageworks
An informational website of the nation's leader in the field of gerontology, Leonard Davis School at USC, on aging and continuing educational models for professionals working in long term care.

Wired Seniors
This site provides a wide variety of seniors oriented information

Images of Aging and Older Adults in the Media is a composite of websites dealing with images of aging as compiled by the CCoA Ageism Subcommittee.

Kaiser Commission on the Future of Medicaid
A website for the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation focusing on major health care issues.


California Legislative Analyst Office
California Legislative Analyst Office provides fiscal and policy advice to the Legislature and serves as the "eyes and ears" for the Legislature to ensure that the executive branch is implementing legislative policy in a cost efficient manner.

California Senior Legislature
This is the official website of the California Senior Legislature. The California Senior Legislature has 120 volunteer members (40 Senior Senators and 80 Senior Assemblymembers)who develop legislative proposals affecting seniors for presentation to the State Legislature for action.

California Volunteers
California Voluneteers is the state office that manages programs and initiatives aimed at increasing the number of Californians engaged in service and volunteering.
Of interest to California Medicare beneficiaries, their families and friends, this site provides information about the Medicare program in California, as well as the options for covering health costs not paid by Medicare.

Careers in Aging
The Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) fosters research, institutional, and service programs to enhance the capacities of institutions of higher education in the field of aging.

Caregiver's Bill of Rights
Caregiver's Bill of Rights is a Canadian website where the Caregiver Bulletin Board enables you to talk to other caregivers to find help and answers to questions about the Canadian network.

This site, created by RNs, is dedicated to providing seniors and their families access to quality information and creditable services.

Center For Advanced Study of Aging Services 
This site includes reports of research and recent developments of the Family Caregiver Support Project funded by the California Department of Aging. Results of the 2002 California Statewide Survey of Caregivers are included plus numerous other caregiver and care management related reports.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
This site provides information from the Federal government on older persons and services for the elderly.

Commonwealth Fund
This is a private foundation supporting independent research on health and social issues and issues grants to improve health care practices and policy.

Congress of California Seniors (CCS)

The Congress of California Seniors (CCS) is a statewide nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy organization that devotes its primary efforts to legislative and consumer affairs that deal with issues concerning older adults.

This site provides information from the world's largest educational and travel organization for adults 55+ and older.

Information on traffic safety among Older Adults.

Includes thousands of reviewed links to Long term Care information, a searchable database of organizations, and a library of articles, reports, news and events.

Families USA Foundation
A voice for health care consumers

Family Caregiver Alliance
Family Caregiver Alliance offers information, education, services, research and advocacy to support and sustain the important work of families nationwide caring for loved ones with chronic conditions.

First Gov for Seniors
FirstGov for Seniors is an internet website geared specifically toward seniors seeking information from Federal agencies.

Generations United
Generations United is a national coalition dedicated to intergenerational policy, programs and issues.

Gerontological Society of America
Promotes conduct of multi- and interdisciplinary research in aging and disseminates knowledge to researchers, practitioners, and to decision and opinion makers.

Global Action on Aging
Global Action on Aging is an international grassroots citizen group that works on issues of concern to older people.

Leading Age
Leading Age represents 5600 not-for-profit nursing homes, continuing care retirement communitites, assisted living and senior housing facilities and community service organizagions.

A project of Family Caregiver Alliance, and California Caregiver Resource Centers, this site is an online information and support program for family caregivers in California.

National Arthritis Foundation
A website for information on all aspects of arthritis.

National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
A website for the umbrella organization for Area Agencies on Aging and Title VI Native American aging programs.

National Association of Retired Federal Employees
A legislative voice for retired Federal employees.

National Association of State Units on Aging
The website of the association of 57 state and territorial government agencies on aging.

National Council on Aging
A website for community organizations and professionals to help them enhance the lives of older persons.

National Do Not Call Registry
Most telemarketers cannot call your telephone number if it is in the National Do Not Call Registry. You can register your home and mobile phone numbers for free. Your registration will be effective for five years.

National Institute on Aging
US Department of Health and Human Services website providing health information

National Osteoporosis Foundation
Information promoting bone health and fighting osteoporosis.

Nursing Home Guide
This website is designed to help you in your search for a nursing home in California that best suits your family member's needs.

Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases
The national resource center of the National Institute on Health regarding osteoporosis and related bone diseases.

Retired Senior Volunteer Programs and other senior volunteer opportunities
Senior Corps is a network of programs that tap the experience, skills, and talents of older citizens to meet community challenges with Foster Grandparents, Senior Companions, and RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program).

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation was established as a national philanthropy in 1972 and today it is the largest US foundation devoted to improving the health and health care of all Americans. We concentrate our grantmaking in four areas.

Senior Vital Connections
Vital Connections is a Service Program of the Non-Profit organizations.

SeniorNet Home Page
SeniorNet is serving as the pilot site for a revolutionary system developed by IBM to make the World Wide Web accessible to everyone, including people who have visual limitations that make it difficult or impossible to see a Web page or motor impairments like tremors that make it difficult to type or use a mouse. This software is now available to all SeniorNet members.

Senior Sites is the most comprehensive web source of non-profit housing and services for seniors. With over 5000 listed communities, Senior Sites is a valuable resource for seniors and their families interested in exploring the non-profit housing option. We invite you to search our database for non-profit housing communities in the United States, Guam and Puerto Rico.

Spectrum Online
The official site of Spectrum newspaper, California's weekly senior news source for 32 years, includes samples of the news, features and columns that appear in the print version of the Sacramento-based publication.

SPRY Foundation
SPRY (Setting Priorities for Retirement Years) is a grass roots advocacy and education organization focusing on policy issues affecting older Americans.

Triple-A Council of California

This site includes background information, mission, members, and other information on
the activities of the Triple-A Council of California (TACC).

US Department of Veterans Affairs
"Our goal is to provide excellence in patient care, veterans' benefits and customer satisfaction. We have reformed our department internally and are striving for high quality, prompt and seamless service to veterans. Our department's employees continue to offer their dedication and commitment to help veterans get the services they have earned. Our nation's veterans deserve no less."