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MHSA Funded Programs and Services in Sacramento County
Transitional Community Opportunities for Recovery and Enagement (TCORE)
Offers low-to-moderate intensity community-based services for individuals being released from acute care settings or who are at risk for entering acute care settings and are not linked to ongoing mental health services. The program also includes a peer partner component and operates at contracted and county-operated sites.
Sierra Elder Wellness
"Provides specialized geriatric psychiatric support, multidisciplinary mental health assessments, treatment, and intensive case management services for older adults who have multiply co-occurring mental health, physical health, and/or substance use disorders and social service needs that require intensive case management services."
Pathways to Success after Homelessness
Provides integrated services and supports for homeless individuals who have a qualifying mental health diagnosis. Services are designed to assist consumers in maintaining permanent and stable housing, managing their wellness, and reintegrating into the community.
Transcultural Wellness Center
Addresses the mental health needs of the Asian/Pacific Islander communities in Sacramento County. Staffed by clinicians, consumers, family members, and community members. Provides a full range of services with interventions and treatment that take into account the cultural and religious beliefs and values; traditional and natural healing practices; and ceremonies recognized by the API communities.
Wellness and Recovery Centers
Neighborhood based multi-services centers that provide a supportive environment offering choice and self-directed guidance for recovery and transition into community life. They are consumer-operated, employ consumers, and train individuals for peer counseling, peer mentoring, advocacy, and leadership opportunities throughout Sacramento County. Services include psycho-educational groups, educational guidance, vocational services, psychiatric support, natural healing practices, and creative writing groups.
Adult Full Service Partnership
"Provides intensive mental health services to adults who may also have co-occurring substance use disorder and/or co-morbid medical concerns."
Juvenile Justice Diversion and Treatment
Provides screening, assessments and intensive mental health services and supports to eligible youth and their families involved in the juvenile justice system. Preadjudicated youth are screened and given an assessment. With court approval, the youth have the opportunity to avoid incarceration and voluntarilyy participate in this program, as long as clinically necessary, up to their 26th birthday. Adjudicated youth are referred, assessed, and have the opportunity to receive intensive, evidence-based services that are delivered in coordination with a specialized probation officer.
Suicide Prevention
Creates a system of suicide prevention through training, education, and system accountability. Services include a suicide prevention crisis line, postvention services, and community support services targeting specific racial, ethnic, and cultural groups.
Strengthening Families
Includes four programs: 1) Early Childhood Consultation _ Assists childcare staff in understanding the social and emotional development of young children by providing strategies and supports to assist in creating successful experiences for children in their care. 2) In_home Services for Foster Children _ Provides in-home visits with the foster child and the foster parent by a developmental specialist. 3) School-based Social Skills, Violence Prevention, and Family Conflict Management Program _ Social Skills groups include activities that teach/increase skills such as emotional awareness, empathy, conflict management, problem solving, making friends, and basic interaction skills. Violence Prevention utilizes age-appropriate and culturally sensitive activities that may include a combination of the following approaches: social skills building; problem solving skills; conflict resolution techniques; information about the specific types and the problem of violence; and teaching violence resistance skills by discussion, accompanied by role playing, modeling, skill practice, feedback, and reinforcement. Family Conflict Management utilizes a multi-level approach to helping families managing conflict through outreach efforts, support groups, and peer/mentoring activities. 4) Building Life Skills for Teens and TAY _ Provides peer advocates to work individually or in groups with teens and transition age youth to help establish and maintain health and wellness services, including linkage to primary healthcare providers, providing crisis prevention and intervention strategies; education and support for building and maintaining healthy relationships; conflict resolution, anger management and communication skills training; adult life skills training and mentoring; vocational training and employment linkage; expanded understanding of community resources and supports; and an increased knowledge of benefits acquisition.
Integrated Health and Wellness
Includes three programs: 1) Screening, Assessment, Peer Support, and Brief Treatment _ The Screening and Assessment component will screen/assess individuals for general depression, maternal depression, suicide risk, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, substance abuse/onset of serious psychiatric illness as part of a primary care visit. Peer Support Groups will be offered at each of the participating clinic settings. A mental health clinician at each participating clinic will provide short_term, brief treatment services. 2) Assessment and Treatment of Onset of Psychosis _ Addresses symptoms pre_onset through comprehensive psychiatric assessment, treatment plan development, client and family education, service coordination, groups, supported education and employment, and skill development. 3) SeniorLink _ Provides home visits and follow_up services by senior navigators to assist seniors with improving health and wellness outcomes while helping to reduce isolation and depression.
Mental Health Promotion
Increases community awareness about mental health issues and reduces stigma and discrimination toward individuals and families living with mental illness. This project includes a culturally and linguistically appropriate multi_media campaign with specific efforts toward educating and engaging unserved and underserved cultural and ethnic communities. The County is partnering with Consumer and Family Member advocacy groups, system partners, agencies and groups that work with culturally and ethnically diverse communities, and other stakeholders who can be instrumental in increasing awareness of mental health issues and reducing stigma and discrimination in Sacramento County.
System Training Continuum
Not yet implemented. Expands the training capacity of mental health staff, system partners, consumer, and family members through a Training Partnership Team, Train the Trainer models, and Training Delivery at all levels.
Office of Consumer and Family Member Employment
Not yet implemented. Develops entry and supportive employment for consumers, family members and individuals from Sacramentos culturally and linguistically diverse communities to address occupational shortages identified in the Workforce Needs Assessment.
High School Training
Not yet implemented. Introduces high school students to careers in the mental health field through an elective curriculum developed and delivered in the school setting. On_the_job training and experiential learning opportunities will also be provided.
Psychiatric Residents and Fellowships
Not yet implemented. Provides exposure to public mental health in the early years of residency with accessible and dedicated supervision and support to ensure a positive community mental health experience.
Multidisciplinary Seminar
Increases the number of psychiatrists and other licensed practitioners working in community mental health that are trained in the recovery and resiliency and integrated service models; improves retention rates; supports professional wellness by addressing work stressors and burn-out; and improves quality of care.
Consumer Leadership Stipends
Provides stipends for leadership or educational opportunities that increase knowledge, build skills, and further advocacy for consumers on mental health issues. Educational opportunities include: the California Association of Social Rehabilitation Association (CASRA) social rehabilitation certificate and certification in group facilitation.
Stipends for Individuals, Especially Consumers and Family Members for Education Programs to Enter the Mental Health Field
Supports efforts to develop a diverse, culturally sensitive and competent public mental health system. Establishes a stipend fund to allow individuals to apply for stipends to participate in educational opportunities that will lead to employment in Sacramento Countys mental health system.
Technological Project
Consists of five phases over a five-year period. Build infrastructure necessary to meet Sacramentos goals of the Community Services and Supports Plan by improving integrated services that are client- and family driven, meet the needs of target populations, and are consistent with the recovery vision in Sacramento County. Furthers the Countys efforts in achieving the federal objectives of meaningful use of electronic health records to improve client care.
Respite Partnership Collaborative
Not yet implemented. Forms a new community-driven collaborative comprised of community partners committed to developing, providing and supporting a continuum of respite services and supports designed to reduce mental health crisis in Sacramento County.