IPEDS College Opportunities Online—your direct link to over 9,000 colleges and universities in the United States. If you are thinking about attending a large university, a small liberal arts college, a specialized college, a community college, a career or technical college or a trade school, you can find information about them here.
FamilyEducation.com—a comprehensive Web site for parents
Discussion Groups—of interest to parents
Connect for Kids—a virtual encyclopedia of information for adults who want to make their communities better places for kids
Local Child Care Planning Council—Sacramento's Child Care Resource and Referral Program
Child Action, Inc.—provides services including child care resources and referral, child care subsidies, recruitment and training of child care professionals, and parent education and support.
Talking with Kids About Tough Issues—national initiative to encourage parents to talk with their children
Comprehensive Guide to Government at All Levels—from the University of California's Infomine Scholarly Internet Resource Collections
The Supported Life Institute—educational and training opportunities to assist individuals and organizations in the work of improving the quality of life for people with disabilities