Consider your interests and look for something that might be a natural fit. If you like animals, consider volunteering at a local shelter; if you like working with young children, consider volunteering at a day camp or church vacation bible school program.
Check out these websites for local opportunities for teens: www.volunteersac.org and www.handsonsacto.org
Think of any family friends who own their own small business and might be able to use your help. Volunteering now can get you good experience and turn into paid positions later.
Enjoying free time…
CREATIVE EXPRESSION IDEAS: arts, crafts, cooking, party planning, poetry, story writing, compose or play music, dancing, decorating. Consider checking the offerings at your neighborhood community center or parks and recreation department.
PHYSICAL EXERCISE IDEAS: team sports, bicycling, walking, dancing, going to the gym, martial arts, yoga, kickboxing, swimming. Check out your local parks and recreation department for opportunities.
INTELLECTUAL IDEAS: museums, studying, puzzles, current events, discussions, collecting, volunteering, taking classes, internet research, going to the local library, attending tutoring or a learning center to brush up on skills.
SOCIAL RECREATION IDEAS: hanging out with friends, meeting new friends, out to movies, parties, shopping, club meetings, phone calls, having friends over.
SOLITARY RELAXATION IDEAS: listening to music, reading, journaling, going online, planning for the future/ daydreaming.
SPECTATOR APPRECIATION IDEAS: going to a movie, traveling somewhere, getting in to nature (birds, animals) sporting events, concerts, plays, watching a DVD, people watching. There are so many free outdoor concerts locally in the Summer to take advantage of!
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