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Sacramento 5150 Psychiatr
How to Apply For Food Sta
Options for Financial Ass
Possible Components of Tr
Emergency Hotlines
Urgent Services Compiled
Hotlines and Emergency Se
Dec. 2012 & Jan. 2013
Hot Lines/Emergency
How To Implement Suicide
Iabduction and exploitati
Crisis Line Services
Sacramento Fire Departmen
need urgent support
If someone you know needs
How do I get help for a l
Abiding Hope Respite Hous
TLCSCrisis Respite Center

Hotlines Emergency

Counseling Centers

Medical Care

Outreach Services

Hot Meals

Dental Care

Free Clothing

Day Shelters
Hospitality Centers


Shelter Programs

Food Closets
Food Banks

Misc. Services

Mental Health Services

Detox Centers



Loaves & Fishes 12th & North C Streets
.Administration (General Info)
.Jail Visitation
.Page Friendship guests
.Clean & Sober
.Mustard Seed School
.Genesis (Mental Health)
.Legal Clinic

Volunteers of America
.Outreach Van


Sacramento Food Bank 3333 Third Avenue (at Broadway) .Women, Children, Men, M-F 10 -1:30 PM .Mother/Baby Program - l0 AM-2 PM, M-T-W
Union Gospel Mission 400 Bannon St. (No. B St. & 12th) .Men: For showers, shave, & clothing 9-11am
.1-3 pm, Mon thru Thurs. Food boxes by appt for
.families. Utility Assist by appt only.
Fremont Presbyterian Church Clothes Closet
5770 Carlson 95819 .Thurs. 9am - 11am .They sometimes close early if no one shows up


Guest House 1400 No. A St., Bldg. A
Homeless Mental Health Clinic .M-F must be there at 8am to get an appointment .Mental Health Evaluation, Medication if needed .Housing Referrals for Mentally Ill, GA referrals, SSI application .Referrals to alcohol and drug counseling
Sacramento Mental Health Center (County)
2150 Stockton Blvd. (at T) 24 hr. Line
.Crisis Line
.Will evaluate anyone for voluntary psychiatric care.
.In-Patient Care Facility Drop in 24hr.


The Effort Counseling (Aquarian) 1820 J St.

.Adults, youth, Chemical dependancy, abuse
.M-Fri 9 am - 7pm  .Scale Fee - call, Waiting list for housing .Group Counseling, Minority Counseling
.HIV testing by appointnrent

Francis House  1422 C St. .M-F 9:30-11:30 am & 1-3 PM walk in or referalls .Provides Resource Counseling, local bus tickets. .CA ID & gas as funding allows
 TLCS  1400 North A St.
.Supported housing and entitlement program
.Walk-ins 8-11am


Glory Bound Ministries 4527 Parker Street
.Church service 6 pm Tues-Fri. and  .Sun. 10:30 am & 5 pm w/Dinner following .Spanish service Sat 4 pm & Sun. 12 pm
Loaves and Fishes 1321 No. C (at 12th) .For Meals: Mon-Fri 11:30-1 pm, Sat & Sun 11:00-12:30
.(Tickets 7 am - 12:30 pm at Friendship Park)
St. Ignatius Loyola Parrish
3235 Arden Way .Meals served on the 4th Wed. of month 6-7pm

ext. 217
St. Lawrence Church 4325 Don Julio Blvd. North Highlands .Dinner on Thursdays 5:30-7pm
St. Philomenes  2428 Bell St. (at El Camino)
.Tue. 6-7pm. Meal is served in school gym at 2320 El Camino

St. Vincent DePaul .Roseville Hot Meals at 141 Riverside
.Wed., Th. & Sat 12-1:30 & Suns. 2:30-4pm .Clothes vouchers T & Th only 10-3pm  .Showers T, W, & Sat. 9-11am .Food Locker 137 Riverside for Place Co. residents
.T, W, Th & Sat. 9-11:30am
Union Gospel Mission 400 Bannon St. (North B St. at 12th) .Church Service 7:30 (required) .Dinner service following 7 days.Sunday Service 11am. Lunch following


Central Downtown Food Basket
.Groceries & USDA on Thurs. only, 11-1pm
.At Goethe Hall, St. Johns Lutheren Church (1701 L St.)
.Available 4 times per month
River City Emergency Services  1322 27th St. (between Capital & N. Streets) .M-F 11:30-3pm & 3rd Sat. 10-12am Once every 30 days .ID required for all members of family .Serves all of Sacramento County
St. Mathews Church 2300 Edison Ave. .Food - Tues. & Thurs. 10-11:30am .Clothing - Thurs. 10am to Noon  
Sacramento Food Bank 3333 Thrid Ave. (at Broadway)
.M-F 10am-2pm Every Sun 12-1:30, .ID required (ss card OK), proof of address  .Serves specific ZipCodes (call).
.Also Clothes Closet 10am to 2pm .Mother Baby program M,T & W-10am to 1:30 pm
Sierra Arden Food Closet 890 Morris Avenue zips - 95825 & 95864 .T-F 10 - 11:45 arn
WIC - Women Infants and Children
915 Broadway (call for other locations) .Pregnant women and mothers with infants & children. .M-F 8-4:30pm. Call for appt.  .MediCal Form, proof of income, .address & picture ID required.
Rancho Cordova Community Food Locker
10497 Coloma Rd. (St. John Vianny Church)
.M, W, F 9:30am - 1:30pm  .Serves 95670, 742, 655, 683, 826, 927, & 830. .Once every 30 Days. SS ID required
First UM Church   2100 J St.


The Effort Detox Center
7586 Stockton
.Residential Care Facility.
.Detox for Adults from Opiatses or Stimulants.
.Call first waiting list, 10-14 day stay
.10 - 14 day program - $1,580 or County Beds
The Drop in Center (Detox)
Volunteers of America
700 North 5th Street
.Drinking Adults, Alcoholics only
.24 Hour Sleep off center
.Screened 72-hr sobriety for Recovery Home
.Comprehensive Alcohol Treatment Center
Alcohol & Drug Bureau
4875 Broadway Ste. 129
.Assessment for Alcohol & Drug Treatment


Sacramento Dental Clinic 1500 C Street (at 15th)
.Adults - emergency Dental 7:40am & 12:30pm
.After screening appointments M-F 7:40-5pm
.No Walk In Appointments
St. Luke's Medical Center  2600 Capital Ave. .Many Dentists in this building take MediCal .


AIDS Education and Prevention
Anonymous HIV testing
1500 C Street .By appointment only Wed & Th 8-11:15am & 1-4:15pm

Breaking Barriers  1722 J Street Suite 321
.Works with HIV+/AIDS, Homeless & Breast Cancer
CARES 1500 21st Street .Home Health Care Management .Hand to Hand Volunteer Program


Alcoholics Anonymous 24 hr.
Narcotics Anonymous 24 hr.

Suicide Prevention Hotline 24 hr.


If Intoxicated, Non Emergency Calls
.Police wagon will pick up and deliver to VOA Detox
Infoline Sacramento
.Information and Referral
California Youth Crisis Line
.Provides counseling service, I&R for all areas of California .RE:medical service, shelters, crisis centers,
.AIDS testing and transportation info.
National Runaway Switchboard
.Crisis intervention .Counseling Message center for kids & adults .Confidential 24 hrs.
Rape Crisis Line (WEAVE) 24hr.
.Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
Red Cross 24 hr.
.Emergency and Disaster Only


Diogenes House
24 hr. Line
.Boys and Girls 12-17, Runaways
.Counseling - Family/Individual

Sacramento Area Emergency Housing Center  2925 34th St.
.Family Shelter-Families, single fathers w children
.Women's Refuge-Single women. no children
.Call for screenin /space availability
Drop-in resource center -
Salvation Army Shelter
12th & North B St.
.1 PM (M-F) bed sign-up-Women only
.1 PM (M-F) bed sign-up - Men only
.Dinner, breakfast & clothing for residents
Utilities Assistance -
Shelter Plus Care - Non-Emergency
.Subsidized housing program for those with Mental Illness,
.Substance Abuse, HIV+/AIDS Case managers must contact
Volunteers of America
.Halcion Place
.Aid in Kind VOA Winter Overflow - 9-3pm sign up, Men/Women/Children Bused from Friendship Pardk (L&F) after dinner (Nov.1 - Mar. 1)

Lutheran Social Services
2980 35th St
.Office call for info.about transitional living

St. John's Shelter
4410 Power Inn Rd.
.Women and children, 30 day max. stay
.Weekdays - Intakes after 3pm at door or call 9am - 6pm
.Weekends - Intakes after 3pm or call 1pm - 7:30pm
.Dinners and showers provided for guests
.No boys over 12 yrs.
Union Gospel Mission 400 Bannon St.
.6:30-6:45 bed sign-up Men ONLY
.Newcomers/Referrals have priority
.Showers/Shaves 9-11am & 1-2:45pm M-Th, 9-11 Fri.
.6am breakfast for residents
WEAVE 24 hr. crisis line Office
.For Battered Women and Children
.Victims of Rape & Domestic abuse
.Crisis Counseling, Safe Houses, for Women and
.Children Victims of Sexual Assault or Domestic Violence .Children's Program

Home Start - Roseville Transitional Housing
North A St. Shelter for Women and Children
1400 North B St., Bldg. B
.Just show up for intake at 4pm.
.Priority given to women and children
Wind Youth Center
300 Ahern .Emergency Shelter for youth 12-17


Friendship Park (L&F)
North C at 12th St.  .Men, Women, & Children, Drop-in 7am to 2:45 pm M-F  .8:30am-1pm Sat  Coffee, Food 7-8:30 Laundry & Showers M,T,Th. F 7- 2:45  .Job board, Haircut voucher  .Guests can be paged.
Maryhouse (L&F) (Homeless)
1321 No. C St. (at 12th) #32
.Women and Children, 8:00 am- 3:00 pm
.Breakfast 8:00 AM, M-Fri. Showers & Laundry Voucher
.Mailing Address. Well child clinic on Tues.
Union Gospel Mission  400 Bannon St.
.All Services 9-11 & 1-2:45 M-Th, 9-11 on F & S
.Showers, Shaves. Also provides Mail Address Service
.Clothes Closet (ID required. Women Clothes -Wed)
Wellspring Women's Center 3414 4th Avenue
.M-F, 7:30-11:30AM.
.Hospitality Center for Mothers & Children. Breakfast served. .Classes - ESL Citizenship, Poetry & Watercolor, Writing, .Computers for beginners.
West Sac. Christian Center 110 6th Street, West Sacramento .Yolo residents only.
.M-Th, 8:30am-1:30 pm. Showers laundry 1-1:30.
.Food Locker with referral from Welfare office 10-11 am.
.Clothes Closet. Transitional family housing.


Friendship Park (L&F)
North C at 12th St. .Men, Women, & Children, Drop-in 7am to 2:45 pm M-F  .8:30am-1pm Sat  Coffee, Food 7-8:30 Laundry & Showers M,T,Th. F 7- 2:45  .Job board, Haircut voucher .Guests can be paged.
Maryhouse (L&F) (Homeless)
1321 No. C St. (at 12th) #32
.Women and Children, 8:00 am- 3:00 pm
.Breakfast 8:00 AM, M-Fri. Showers & Laundry Voucher
.Mailing Address. Well child clinic on Tues.
Union Gospel Mission
400 Bannon St.
.All Services 9-11 & 1-2:45 M-Th, 9-11 on F & S
.Showers, Shaves. Also provides Mail Address Service
.Clothes Closet (ID required. Women Clothes -Wed)
Wellspring Women's Center
3414 4th Avenue .M-F, 7:30-11:30AM. .Hospitality Center for Mothers & Children. Breakfast served. .Classes - ESL Citizenship, Poetry & Watercolor, Writing,  .Computers for beginners.
West Sac. Christian Center   110 6th Street, West Sacramento .Yolo residents only. .M-Th, 8:30am-1:30 pm. Showers laundry 1-1:30. .Food Locker with referral from Welfare office 10-11 am. .Clothes Closet. Transitional family housing.


Capital Health Clinic 1500 C Street (at 15th)
.Adults, no I.D. required, M, W, Th 8-5
The Effort Medical Clinic (Aquarian) 1820 J St.
.Adults, children, M-F 5-8:30 pm. Drop-in .General Health Care. Confidential HIV testing .Call after 3 pm for Tests .Anytime for Physicals - Scale Feess
Mercy Clinic (L&F) General Med Care 1321 N. C St. (at 12th) .Adults, children; General Health Care .No I.D. required. M-F 7:3O-Noon & 1-3:30pm .For people without SSI/Medical who are homeless .Sign-ups in Friendship Park, 7:30 AM & 11:30 Walk-ins OK
Primary Care Center 2921 Stockton Blvd. (Enter at 4611 Broadway) .General Health Care 7:30am-9pm M-Fri.
For adults who are 21-65 yrs. old
Oak Park Clinic 3415 Martin Luther King Blvd.
.MediCal for Public Health 8-5pm Child clinic for 95816, 17, 18, 20

Centro Guadalupe 730 S Street Multi services for Latino community Food, rental & Utility assistance, Bilingual, Jobs etc


Centro Guadalupe
730 S Street    Multi services for Latino community Food, rental & Utility assistance, Bilingual, Jobs etc
Dept. Of Human Assistance (Welfare)
28th and R General Information and Medical Homeless Assistance Hand Imaging
Employment Development Dept. 2901 50th St. (at Broadway) M-F 8:00-5:00
Legal Services of N. Calif., Inc.
515 12th Street (at E) M-F 8:30-12, 1-5 Problems with public benefits Landlord/Tennant; call for appointment

Legal Center for the Elderly

2862 Arden Way, Suite 200 Free Legal services for seniors and low-income disabled, HICAP

Social Security Office 8351 Folsom Blvd.  M-F 9:30am-4:30pm National Line
Welfare Rights
1901 Alhanbra Blvd. (2nd Floor) M-F 9:00-5:00 AFDC, Food Stamps, Work Fare, Medical Representations at hearings
Main County Jail    651 I Street
Rio Consumnes Correctional Center 12500 Bruceville Road (Elk Grove)
Salvation Army
241 North 10th St. Ste. 7 Utility Assistance and Food Boxes
 Women's Empowerment Program
1400 North C Street  8 week program for homeless women to develop jobs