■ First adopted in 1973 by the American Hospital Association, A Patient's Bill of Rights was revised on October 21,1992
■ Sets forth an expectation of treatment and care that will allow for improved collaboration between patients, health care providers, and institutions resulting in better patient care. (American Hospital Association [revised] 1992)
Informed Consent
■ Every adult person has the right to decide what can and cannot be done to his or her own body (Schloendorff v. Society of New York Hospital, 105 NE 92 [NY 1914]).
■ Assumes a person is capable of making an informed decision about own health care. M State regulations vary, but mental illness does not mean that a person is or should be assumed incapable of making decisions related to his or her own care.
■ Patients have a right to:
to be performed.
Know the inherent risks and benefits.