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California Advocacy Groups

 the statewide health care consumer advocacy coalition, bringing together dozens of other member organizations representing seniors, people with disabilities, children, immigrants, communities of color, health care professionals, people of faith, labor, women, low-income families, and communities throughout California.
AIDS Legal Referral Panel
The AIDS Legal Referral Panel (ALRP) serves persons living with HIV disease or AIDS who reside in the San Francisco Bay Area counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Solano, and Sonoma.

Action Alliance for Children
Action Alliance for Children (AAC) exists to inform, educate, and persuade a statewide constituency of people who work with and on behalf of children by providing the most reliable information on current issues, trends, and public policies that affect children and families. AAC is a resource for policy makers, children's service providers and advocates, and the media.

Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE)
The Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment is dedicated to raising the voices of everyday Californians, neighborhood by neighborhood, so that our children have stronger communities and expanded opportunities. ACCE is a new, independent, state-based nonprofit that was started by former members and staff of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), which will be closing many of its operations in California.

Asian Health Services
The mission of Asian Health Services (AHS) is to serve and advocate for the immigrant and refugee Asian community regarding its health rights, and to assure access to health care services regardless of income, insurance status, language, or culture.

California Association of Health Plans
The California Association of Health Plans (CAHP) works through legislative advocacy, informational communications, and collaborative efforts with other organizations to promote high quality, affordable health care to California consumers - 21 million of which receive their coverage from CAHP member health plans.

California Association of Public Hospitals
The California Association of Public Hospitals (CAPH), a non-profit trade organization representing California's public hospitals and health systems since 1983, works to strengthen the capacity of its members to advance community health, ensure access to comprehensive, high-quality, culturally sensitive health care services for all Californians, and educate the next generation of health care professionals.

California Alliance for Retired Americans
The California Alliance for Retired Americans (CARA) is a statewide nonprofit organization that unites retired workers and community groups to win social and economic justice, full civil rights, and a better, more secure future for ourselves, our families, and future generations.

California Black Health Network
The mission of the California Black Health Network (CBHN) is to improve the health status of African Americans in California. In pursuing this mission, CBHN provides a forum where policy makers, providers, consumers, and advocates concerned about the health status and access to care for African Americans can engage in problem analysis and solution building. The organization also strives to develop and implement programs that will advance the value of health promotion and prevention among people of color.

California Black Women's Health Project
The California Black Women's Health Project (CABWHP), formed in 1994, is the state office of the National Black Women's Health Project, located in Washington, D.C. Our mission focuses on empowering Black women to take personal responsibility for our own health and to advocate for changes in policies that adversely affect Black women's health status.

California Council of Churches
The California Council of Churches serves as a prophetic witness to the Christian gospel for 19 Protestant and orthodox denominations, and over 15 million church members throughout California. The Council lifts up public policy issues of concern to the faith community such as hunger, homelessness, health care, violence, civil rights, economic justice, and religious liberty issues for study by local congregations.

 The California Endowment
The California Endowment is a private, statewide health foundation that was created in 1996 as a result of Blue Cross of California's creation of WellPoint Health Networks, a for-profit corporation. This conversion set the groundwork for our mission: The California Endowment's mission is to expand access to affordable, quality health care for underserved individuals and communities, and to promote fundamental improvements in the health status of all Californians.

 California Federation of Teachers
As the statewide affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers, the California Federation of Teachers (CFT) represents over 100,000 teachers and school employees in California, from early childhood education through the university level.

 California Health Advocates
Through leadership, communication, and partnerships, California Health Advocates is dedicated to achieving and sustaining timely, accurate, and responsive education and advocacy efforts for California Medicare beneficiaries and the pre-retirement population.

 California HealthCare Foundation
The California HealthCare Foundation works as a catalyst to fulfill the promise of better health care for all Californians. It supports ideas and innovations that improve quality, increase efficiency, and lower the costs of care.

California Immigrant Policy Center
The California Immigrant Policy Center is a non-partisan, nonprofit statewide organization founded in 1996. The Policy Center seeks to inform public debate and policy decisions on issues affecting the state's immigrants and their families in order to improve the quality of life for all Californians.

California Labor Federation
The California Labor Federation is a statewide association of unions and other labor groups throughout California. With over 1300 affiliates, the Federation facilitates a united voice for labor, to gain improvements and protections for working families around the state.

California Pan-Ethnic Health Network
The California Pan-Ethnic Health Network (CPEHN) is a statewide network of multicultural health organizations working together to improve health care access and eliminate health status disparities in California's communities of color. The mission of CPEHN is to promote changes to health policy decision-making and health care delivery systems that improve the health status of our diverse communities.

California Primary Care Association
The mission of the Californai Primary Care Association (CPCA) is to promote and facilitate equal access to quality health care for individuals and families through organized primary care clinics and clinic networks that, among other things, seek to maintain cost-effective, affordable medical services, as well as meet the linguistic and cultural needs of California's diverse population.

California Public Health Association- North
As an organization, the California Public Health Association - North (CPHA-N) gives voice to the diverse community of people who work to protect and promote the public, environmental, and personal health of Northern Californians.

California Public Interest Research Group
The California Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG) takes on powerful interests on behalf of Californians, working to win concrete results for our health and our well-being. With researchers, advocates, organizers, and students, we stand up to powerful special interests to stop identity theft, fight political corruption, provide safe and affordable prescription drugs, strengthen voting rights, and more.

California Rural Legal Assistance
Since 1965, California Rural Legal Assitance (CRLA) has raised its powerful voice in the courtrooms, in the classrooms, in the fields, and in the legislative halls of California. We have shown farm workers and other poor people that the law can be a friend and that those responsible for enforcing the laws can and should be called to account.

California State Rural Health Association
The California State Rural Health Association (CSRHA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots organization that works to improve the health of rural Californians and the quality and accessibility of the heath care they receive. CSRHA brings together health care providers, consumers, educators, researchers, public health and economic development agencies and others to work on a variety of issues related to preserving and enhancing the health of rural California.

California Teachers Association
The California Teachers Association (CTA) exists to protect and promote the wellbeing of its members; to improve the conditions of teaching and learning; to advance the cause of free, universal, and quality public education; to ensure that the human dignity and civil rights of all children and youth are protected; and to secure a more just, equitable, and democratic society. 

The California Wellness Foundation
The California Wellness Foundation (TCWF) is an independent, private foundation created in 1992 with a mission to improve the health of the people of California by making grants for health promotion, wellness education, and disease prevention.

California Women's Agenda
The California Women's Agenda (CAWA) is a state action alliance of over 500 organizations in California, working together to implement the Beijing Platform at the grassroots. CAWA's objective is to link one million women and girls in collective action through real and "virtual" networks at the milennium. CAWA is a network that is organizing - not an organization that is networking.

Children's Advocacy Institute
The Children's Advocacy Institute (CAI) works to improve the status and well-being of children in our society by representing their interests and right to a safe, healthy childhood. CAI represents children in the state legislature, in the courts, before administrative agencies, and through public education programs. 

Community Health Center Network
Community Health Center Network of the East Bay (CHCN) is a full-service management services organization formed by seven community health centers based in Alameda County, California. CHCN was created as a way for the health centers to participate in managed care programs, in order to maintain and expand their role as providers of comprehensive services in their communities. 

Community Health Councils, Inc.
Community Health Councils, Inc. (CHC) is a nonprofit, community-based health advocacy organization that strives to increase access to health and quality health care for uninsured, economically disadvantaged, and underserved populations. It achieves its goals through the mobilization, organization, and empowerment of community-based and grassroots consumer groups that share the vision for creating a healthier and pro-active consumer population.

Congress of California Seniors
The Congress of California Seniors takes stands on issues of importance to mid-life and older persons and their families. 

Disability Rights California
Disability Rights California works in partnership with persons with disabilities - to protect, advocate for, and advance their human, legal, and service rights. It strives towards a society that values all people and supports their rights to dignity, freedom, choice, and quality of life.

The Greenlining Institute
The Greenlining Institute's mission is to empower communities of color and other disadvantaged groups through multi-ethnic economic and leadership development, civil rights, and anti-redlining activities. Understanding that our communities are often unheard in major policy debates, The Greenlining Institute works to ensure that the needs of these communities are addressed proactively and positively in major policy discussions.

Health Care Foundation for Orange County
The Foundation's mission is to promote health and support health care for the benefit of the Orange County community.

Health Consumer Alliance
The Health Consumer Alliance (HCA) is a partnership of consumer assistance programs operated by community-based legal services organizations. Our common mission is to help low-income people obtain essential health care. HCA's local Health Consumer Centers operate in six counties that, together, include 60% of poor Californians: Fresno, Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, San Francisco, and San Mateo. 

Health Rights Hotline
The Health Rights Hotline provides free assistance and information about your rights in health care. We serve residents of El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, and Yolo counties in California.   

 Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights
Responding to growing anti-immigrant sentiment in California, members of immigrant and religious communities founded the Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights (ICIR) in the Spring of 1994. ICIR continues challenging policies, legislation, and attitudes that attack newcomers.

Latino Coalition for a Healthy California
The Latino Coalition for a Healthy California (LCHC) provides a systematic California Latino-led approach to addressing the barriers that impede optimal health in its broadest sense for Latinos. We believe that optimal health is the result of educational, occupational, economic, environmental, physical, mental, and spiritual well being.

Physicians for a National Health Program - California
PNHP California (PNHP-CA) is the largest state chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), an organization of physicians and health professionals dedicated to the education and advocacy for a universal, comprehensive single payer national health insurance. In conjunction with our work supporting a national health program, PNHP-CA is also devoted to the California state single payer movement.

Pacific Institute for Community Organization (PICO)
PICO's mission is to assist in the building of community organizations with the power to improve the quality of life of families and neighborhoods. PICO carries out its mission through leadership training seminars; the recruitment of and development of professional community organizers; and on-going consultation and technical assistance.

Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California
Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California (PPAC) is one of 21 state, public affairs offices of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. At this site you will find information on California and federal legislation, reproductive health issues, links to our nine statewide affiliates, and to their clinics and services.

Resources for Independent Living
Resources for Independent Living (RIL) is unique. We are the only organization in Sacramento providing services to people with all forms of disability. RIL is dedicated to providing services and support to disabled people so they can live happy and productive lives. This is how RIL is redefining disability.

SEIU State Council - California
The Service Employees International Union is the largest and most diverse union in California. With over 325,000 members, SEIU is the largest union in state and local government, health care, social services, building service, and horse racing. 

Service, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network
Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN) exists to empower all immigrants and refugees in order to achieve full human rights. Since its founding, it has developed unique strategies that integrate immigrant services, community education, leadership development, and policy advocacy.

Southern California Public Health Association
Southern California Public Health Association (SCPHA) is organized exclusively to improve the health of the people of Southern California by collaborating, educating, and advocating with organizations and individuals who share this common vision.

Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry California
UULM California is a statewide justice ministry that serves to empower the moral voice of Unitarian Universalist values in the public arena.

Vote Health
Vote Health believes that health care is a basic human right. Our mission is to win accessible, high-quality health care for everyone, regardless of legal status or ability to pay.

Western Center on Law and Poverty
The Western Center on Law and Poverty (WCLP) is a nonprofit legal services program devoted to high-impact poverty law litigation and legislative advocacy in the state of California. Headquartered in Los Angeles with offices in Oakland and Sacramento, WCLP focuses its work in the areas of welfare, housing, and health care.

The Empowerment Magazine