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Defining Child Abuse
Under the Act, when the victim is a child (a person under the age of 18) and the perpetrator is any person (including a child), the following types of abuse must be reported by all legally mandated reporters: Click on each tab for information.

a) A physical injury inflicted by other than accidental means on a child.  This refers to intentionally injuring a child (P.C. 11165.6).


b) Child sexual abuse including both sexual assault and sexual exploitation. Sexual assault includes sex acts with children, child molestation, and intentional masturbation in the presence of children. Sexual exploitation includes preparing, selling, or distributing pornographic materials involving children; performances involving obscene sexual conduct; and child prostitution (P.C. 11165.1).

c)Willful cruelty or unjustified punishment, including inflicting or permitting physical pain or mental suffering, or the endangerment of the child's person or health (P.C. 11165.3). Mandated reporters may report suspected emotional abuse. Suspected cases of severe emotional abuse that constitute willful cruelty or unjustifiable punishment of a child must be reported.

d) Unlawful corporal punishment or injury, willfully inflicted, resulting in a traumatic condition (P.C. 11165.4).



e)Neglect of a child, whether "severe" or "general," must also be reported if the perpetrator is a person responsible for the child's welfare. This includes both acts and omissions (failing to act) that harm or threatening to harm the child's health or welfare.    (P.C. 11165.2).


f) Any of the above types of abuse or neglect occurring in out-of-home care, where the person responsible for the child's welfare is a licensee, administrator, or employee of any facility licensed to care for children, or an administrator or employee of a public or private school or other institution or agency (P.C. 11165.5).