Power of Know Youth Conference
FREE Youth Conference Open to All Youth and Parents (held separately, but concurrently) in Recognizing and Addressing Youth Violence and Intervention.
February 12, 2011 From 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
at Charles A. Jones Center
5451 Lemon Hill Ave Sacramento, CA 95824
The conference will be offering many incentives for both parents and youth to attend (for example, community service credits towards high school graduation for teens, many-many prizes including IPODs, movie tickets, etc…). FREE Breakfast and lunch will be served.
The presenters are internationally recognized and speak in plain English; interpreters are available. This conference is sponsored by the Sac City Unified School District, Kaiser and CAPITAL Foundation. (Dr. Liz Miller is a UCDMC pediatrician, featured on Oprah Winfrey and is known as a subject matter expert; Dr. Charles Panadero is a child psychiatrist with a cross-cultural expertise, small break out groups with community leaders)
For more information contact Jeanie Lee at 916
Click Here for the the conference Flyer Fill out the Free Regsitration Form