Dreamcatchers Empowerment Network
Dreamcatchers Empowerment Network is a vendorı of the State of California's Department of Rehabilitation.
Dreamcatchers offers two job search related groups to members of the Wellness and Recovery Centers (WRC) of the Consumers Self Help Center.
The two groups take place at WRC - North. To find out more about how Dreamcatchers can help you build the toolsı, you need to manage your job search and development, please join us on:
Date Time Location of the Group
Wednesday 2:30 - 4:00 pm - Room 23: Dreamcatcher Employment Preparation and Orientation (2:30 pm 3:00 pmOrientation)
Friday 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm: Computer Lab: Job Search and Development.
On Wednesday's, the first half hour (2:30pm - 3:00pm) available for Orientation. At this time, newcomer's sign up for group participation and can ask questions about Dreamcatchers. The remainder of the time is spent learning about and discussing employment related topics like resumes, interviews, preparing for interviews, networking, and job search and development.
For Friday's Job Search and Development all who are interested in job searching are welcome. It is not necessary to come to Wednesday's group first. Please join us in the Computer Lab. No computer experience is required. We suggest that those who attend have the willingness to learn and participate.
Please check the Wellness Recovery Center - North calendar for holidays and other changes.