Sacramento Civil Self-Help Center
Newspapers of General Circulation - Sacramento County
City of Sacramento Home Page
County of Sacramento Home Page
Sacramento County Bar Association The site for the County Bar Association has information on Bar events, committees, sections, membership the bar association's lawyer referral service.
Sacramento County Clerk-Recorder
The Clerk-Recorder is the custodian of public records and recorder of real property documents for Sacramento County. This office also issues and registers marriage licenses, notaries public, vital statistics, and other public documents. The website provides on-line public access to Sacramento County's Index of Recorded Documents from 1965 to the present.
2-1-1 Sacramento
2-1-1 Sacramento is a program of the Community Services Planning Council. It provides free, confidential information and referral service that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, referring clients to more than 2,400 community services in the Sacramento area, including: