U.S. Department of Labor: Job & Career Information
Employment and Training Administration (ETA) programs, resources and online tools help workers in all stages of the job and career development. Explore what is available by choosing a topic below.
Assess Yourself
Searching for a career that's right for you? An important first step is to assess your skills to help you make the right career choices.
Explore Career Options
Looking for a career or interested in changing careers? Find resources and online tools to help you with career decisions.
Gain Experience and Credentials
How do you prepare for the career of your dreams? Explore programs and tools to find the training you need.
Find a Job
Want to find your next job? Job search takes time, energy and preparation. Use online tools and resources for a successful job hunt.
What are your career plans? Are you finalizing plans or just beginning? There are a variety of resources available specifically for you.
Deal with a Job Loss
Dealing with a job loss? Take advantage of resources and programs that provide assistance to help you.
Know Your Rights as a Worker
Do you have questions about the laws that protect you as a worker? Find resources with the information you need.