Draft –Fiscal Year 2012 – 2013
Annual Update to the Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan
Executive Summary
Posted for Public Review and Comment
May 26, 2012 through June 26, 2012
Since Proposition 63 was passed in November of 2004, Sacramento County has worked diligently on the planning and implementation of the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA).
With the passage of AB100, counties have the opportunity to present their MHSA annual updates in a way that is more meaningful to local stakeholders. In past years, the California Department of Mental Health (DMH) published MHSA funding allocations for the coming year and funds were distributed to counties in two lump sum payments during the course of the year. In Fiscal Year 2012-13, MHSA funds will be distributed to counties on a monthly basis based on taxes collected. This new approach makes it challenging to project the revenues for this fiscal year. Therefore, the Division of Behavioral Health Services (DBHS) has budgeted for MHSA programs using the same revenue levels as the prior fiscal year. DBHS will continue to update stakeholders on funding information as it becomes available from the state in the coming months. Over the years, our
Community Services and Supports (CSS) programs have expanded and evolved as we strive to deliver high quality and effective services to meet the needs of children, youth, adults, older adults and their families. There are currently seven (7) previously approved CSS Work Plans containing fourteen (14) operational programs.
The Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) component is comprised of four (4) previously approved projects containing twenty-two (22) programs in varying stages of implementation.
The Workforce Education and Training (WET) component is comprised of eight (8) previously approved actions. Actions 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8 are implemented or in advanced stages of planning. Implementation of the remaining Actions (3 and 6) has been delayed due to the nature of the economy and the direct correlation on the job market, and subsequently, the impact on the availability of jobs in the public mental health system. As the economy improves and job opportunities in the public mental health system increase, DBHS, along with stakeholders, will finalize plans for these remaining Actions.
Innovation (INN) Plan was approved in 2011. The plan calls for development of a Respite Partnership Collaborative (RPC). The RPC is in the beginning stages of implementation. We look forward to reporting back on activities and successes in our next annual update.
Technological Needs (TN) project contained within the Capital Facilities and Technological Needs component addresses our commitment to move to an Electronic Health Record and Personal Health Record to improve client care through a multi-phased approach. We will be moving into Phase 3 of the five-phased plan in fiscal year 2012-13.
We are pleased to present our
Capital Facilities (CF) Plan in this Annual Update. The plan was developed through a community planning process with input from the
MHSA Sacramento County MHSA Fiscal Year 2012-13 Annual Update
Steering Committee, as well as community stakeholders that participated in the community input sessions. In this plan, Sacramento County is proposing to renovate three buildings at the Stockton Boulevard complex. Two of these buildings currently house the MHSA-funded Adult Psychiatric Support Services (APSS) and Peer Partner Programs, while the third building contains vacant space to be renovated. Because the APSS and Peer Partner program is also currently located at another non-county-owned site, renovating the vacant space of the third building will allow for the entire program to be sited at one physical location. The renovations will allow for an expansion of service capacity with space for additional consumer and family-run wellness activities and social events. Renovations will be made considering the prioritized ideas from the CF community input sessions.