Hillsdale Career Center
• CalJOBS -Internet based Employment Development Department's huge database of employer job listings and resume banle Internetbased
system to search for employment.
• Choices -2nd Thursday Comprehensive and user friendly career development inventory that explores occupations and/or education options by assessing a customer's interests, basic skills, transferable skills, work values, and more.
• Coaching Workshop -1st & 3rd Tuesdays Overview of training opportunities for job seekers and the unemployment process.
• Computer Literacy -& ih Wednesday Perfect for individuals seeking a beginning basic computer literacy computer class. Participants will become familiar with the basic computer functions, Microsoft Word, using the internet for job search.
• Debt Relief - Monday Information regarding bankruptcy, foreclosure, debt consolidation, and consumer rights.
• Dress-To-Irnpress - 4 Wednesday Your appearance really does make a difference in your job search, come learn how.
• Express Resume Critique - Fridays Staff will spend 5 -10 minutes reviewing a resume and giving suggestions for enhancement.
• Excel -last Tuesday ofthe month Learn the basics of using spreadsheets.
• Expungement Clinic -2nd Friday Learn how a misdemeanor or felony could be expunged (dismissed) from your background. Also assistance with driver license issues.
• Financial Stress Management -3rd Tuesday ***Bonus Soft Skills Workshop Learn to make better financial decisions to prevent possible stress in these tough economic times.
• Interview Workshop -Wednesday Learn powerful interview skills techniques to put your best foot forward in interviews.
• Job Circle - 2nd Thursday Group activity with other job seekers to discover new ways of networking to find employment opportunities.
• Job Search 101 first Monday Whether newly unemployed or have been out of the job market for a period of time, this workshop will help build the foundation skills needed for a successful job search.
• Job Talk -Thursdays Designed for the job ready individual. Employer recruiting presentations describing job openings and requirements. In addition to the multitudes of job leads available, networking is also encouraged between the job seekers.
• "My Action Plan" (M.A.P.) A record of personal and professional goals, activities and accomplishments. Created to help guide and organize your journey to success.
• Navigating SacWorks Learn to navigate the SacWorks website to enhance your job search.
• Quick Guide Skills Review -Thursdays A quick (1 0-15 minute) I2-question assessment to determine basic skills in Reading for Information, Locating Information, and Applied Mathematics. Instant scores provide recommendations for customer to improve knowledge using the KeyTrain training system. Entire workshop is 1 hour.
• SacWorks Resume -3rd Wednesday Workshop using the SacWorks Background Wizard software program template to develop a resume and create cover letters.
• Spanish Resume/Computer Workshop -See Calendar Participants learn in this interactive lecture workshop the basics of writing an effective resume and how to avoid common resume mistakes. Learn to write a Spanish resume and then translate it into English. Later in the week, find out how to enter the resume into the computer during a hands-on workshop.
• Resume Workshop -1st & 3rd Wednesday Participants learn in this interactive lecture workshop the basics of writing an effective resume and how to avoid common resume mistakes.
• WinWay Resume Workshop _1st Wednesday Workshop using the software program template to develop a resume and create cover letters. Program also converts resume to Word.
• Soft Skills Workshops* -2nd & 4th Tuesdays "People Skills -Those non-technical abilities that include such traits as showing up on time, demonstrating a good work ethic, and communicating well with co-workers." Participants completing all 6 Soft Skills workshops will earn a Certificate of Completion suitable to present to a potential employer.
* True Colors A lively and interactive personality preference workshop that improves communication through recognition of a person's true character spectrum. A valuable tool for enjoying success in one's personal and professional life.
* Communication Learn how communication is more than just the exchange of words and how talking, listening, and understanding are all involved. Understand how we use verbal and non-verbal communication styles to get our point across.
* Problem Solving/Conflict Management Participants explore problem solving, conflict management skills, and aggressive and assertive behaviors. Learn to use "I Messages" and examine guidelines for problem solving.
* Office Politics Participants explore "Work World of Office Politics". Group discussion and activities to develop workplace savvy, and personal inventory of the "Work World" and how to relate to company style and image.
* Time Management This workshop is designed to assist with different methods and ideas to maximize the use ofone's time.
* Understanding Credit and Debt Understand when it is a good time to use credit and time not to use credit. Discover how past, present, and future Credit and Debt can affect one's personal and professional life.