Self-Advocacy Links
ABILITY Magazine
ABILITY Magazine features the latest information for people with disabilities on health, new technologies, the ADA, employment opportunities, human interest stories, travel, leisure, and more.
Objective information about assistive technology products and rehabilitation equipment available from domestic and international sources.
Adaptive Environments: Human-Centered Design
Educational non-profit organization committed to advancing the role of design in expanding opportunity and enhancing experience for people of all ages and abilities. Adaptive Environments’ work balances expertise in legally required accessibility with promotion of best practices in human centered or universal design.
ADAPT: Americans Disabled for Attendant Programs Today
Legislative proposals, news releases, organization newsletter and advocacy information related to community inclusion and community supports.
Alliance for Technology Access
The Alliance for Technology Access (ATA) is the national network of community-based resource centers, developers, vendors, and others dedicated to providing information and support services to children and adults with disabilities, and increasing their use of standard, assistive, and information technologies.
American Academy of Pediatrics
Pediatricians’ association dedicated to the health of children and youth
American Eugenics Movement
Comprehensive archive of images, documents and exhibits related to the American Eugenics Movement.
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
AAIDD: The professional association run by and for professionals who support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Assistive Technology Center
Putting computers within reach of individuals with disabilities.
Association of Regional Center Agencies
Association of regional centers – advancing Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act
Association of University Centers on Disabilities
Network of interdisciplinary Centers advancing public policy and practice for and with individuals with developmental and other disabilities, their families, and communities. Includes policy information, legislative testimony, special projects and resources.
Axis Disability Rights
Links to disability sites and resources related to inclusive education, employment and relationships, compiled by consultants Norman Kunc and Emma Van der Klift.
Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
Legal advocacy for the civil rights and human dignity of people with mental disability.
Beach Center on Disability
The Beach Center is a national research and education center on disability located at the University of Kansas. Excellent site for practical tips, articles, best practices and other information.
Beyond Affliction: The Disability History Project
Four-hour radio series focusing on people with disabilities and their families since the beginning of the 19th century.
California Association of Family Empowerment Centers
Information, resources, technical assistance and advocacy to network of Family Empowerment Centers
California Department of Aging
Oversight agency for programs that serve older adults
California Department of Developmental Services
Agency providing services and supports to individuals with developmental disabilities
California Department of Developmental Services – Consumer Corner
Materials by DDS Consumer Advisory Committee for consumers, families and professionals
California Department of Developmental Services – Safety Net
Health and safety information for persons with developmental disabilities
California Department of Education
Agency providing education services
California Department of Rehabilitation
Agency providing rehabilitation and employment services to persons with disabilities
California Disability Access Information
Government source for information and links on laws, regulations on disability rights and access
California Disability Community Action Network (CDCAN)
Advocacy and connecting people
California State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD)
Promoting policies and practices so people with developmental disabilities and families receive services
Californians for Disability Rights (CDR)
Advocating for access, justice, equality and independence
Center for an Accessible Society
The Center for an Accessible Society’s goal is to focus public attention on disability and independent living issues.
Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities – UCD – M.I.N.D. Institute (UCEDD)
Providing university-based improvement of knowledge, policies and practices related to persons with disabilities and their families
Center for Health Services Research and Policy
George Washington University Medical Center: Information, research and white papers related to legal, health care and work-related issues for children or adults with disabilities.
Center for Housing and New Community Economics (CHANCE)
The Center for Housing and New Community Economics (CHANCE) was established in March of 2001 to improve and increase access to integrated, affordable, and accessible housing coordinated with, but separate from, personal assistance and supportive services. CHANCE’s purpose is to create alternatives to approaches that segregate, congregate, and control people with disabilities. It works in partnership with ADAPT, a national organization that promotes services in the community for people with disabilities.
Center for Human Policy – Disability Studies for Teachers
Lesson plans and materials designed to help teachers integrate disability studies into social studies, history, literature, and related subjects in grades 6–12. The plans and materials also can be adapted for use in postsecondary education.
Center for Independent Living: Mission and History
History of the Center for Independent Living at the University of California, Berkeley, a national leader in helping people with disabilities live independently and become more productive.
Center for Neighborhood Technology
Information, resources and programs related to urban community development.
Center for Self-Determination
The Center for Self-Determination is a working collaboration of individuals and organizations committed to the principles of self-determination and to helping all persons create the lives they want, connected to and with their communities, and pursuing long-term relationships and economic futures.
Center for the Study and Advancement of Disability Policy (CSADP)
The Center for the Study and Advancement of Disability Policy provides public education, leadership development and training, technical assistance and information dissemination, and conducts action-research and analysis of public policy issues affecting individuals with disabilities and their families.
Center for Universal Design
A national research, information, and technical assistance center that evaluates, develops, and promotes accessible and universal design in housing, buildings, outdoor and urban environments and related products according to the belief that all new environments and products, to the greatest extent possible, should be usable by everyone regardless of their age, ability, or circumstance.
Center for Disease Control: National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities
Background information on developmental disabilities, as well as links to web sites and related resources. Guide to disability resources on the Internet, organized by site popularity, alphabet, type of disability and state.
Center on Human Policy (Syracuse University)
Policy and research studies promoting inclusive communities and opportunities for people with disabilities.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Comprehensive information on Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP, including coverage, laws, regulations and extensive resource section.
Chronology of the Disability Rights Movement
Chronological overview of the Disability Rights Movement in the United States, from 1817 through 1996.
Circles Network
UK-based organization that provides unique support and new possibilities for disabled people who have been excluded from, or isolated within, our society. We offer them the opportunity to become full and equal members of society, to develop their talents and potential and to enrich the lives of others as well as their own. This is done primarily through the setting up of circles of support, and we also run specific projects for particular areas of need.
Closing the Gap
Closing the Gap provides objective information about assistive technology products for children and adults with special needs.
Communication Technology Education Center
Augmentative & alternative communication (AAC) services and assistive technology resources
Community for All Toolkit/August 2004
Joint effort between AAMR, The Arc, Center on Human Policy, Council on Quality and Leadership, University of Minnesota Research and Training Center on Community Living, TASH. This tool kit provides general information to strengthen community inclusion, background information for advocates involved in campaigns to close institutions, general information on community services, and resources for more information, material to counter arguments commonly used by pro-institution advocates, ideas for organizing and advocacy, and information about policy and governmental action.
Connections for Information and Resources on Community Living (CIRCL)
CIRCL was established to create opportunities for building and sharing individual, organizational and community strengths in supported living. The web site includes a variety of tools and other practical information.
Connections for Information and Resources on Community Living/Your SLS Training Tool Box April 2001
Extensive toolkit that includes information on the history of supported living services, information on the supported living service system and other resources.
Cornell University, ILR School Employment and Disability Institute
The Employment and Disability Institute conducts research, and provides technical assistance and continuing education on disability and the workplace issues.
Council for Exceptional Children
The largest international professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted.
Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health
Research tool for collecting demographic and other health related data about this population, and making state-by-state comparisons.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
This web site provides information on buying, owning and selling a home and your rights as a renter, as well as a variety of tools and resources.
Department of Labor
Information on employment for employers and employees.
Department of Special Education
“Autism: Interventions and Strategies for Success” Cooperative Educational Service Agency #7, Susan Stokes, Autism Consultant
Online connection to the federal government's disability-related information and resources.
Disability Grapevine
Daily online newspaper, delivered via e-mail, devoted to disability news and commentary. Presented by the Institute for Cultural Research for People with Disabilities (ICRPWD).
Disability Is Natural
A resource of articles promoting inclusion, self-determination and a common sense to raising children with disabilities.
Disability History Museum
The Disability History Museum has no bricks and mortar. The virtual museum is home to a searchable, theme-based digital collection of documents and images related to disability history in the United States. Artifacts are drawn from public and private collections around the country.
Disability Rights California (DRC)
Advancing legal and service rights of persons with disabilities: advocacy, information, training
Disability Resources Monthly WebWatcher: History of Disability
Online review of resources and web sites related to the history of people with disabilities.
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
National law and policy center dedicated to protecting and advancing the civil rights of people with disabilities through legislation, litigation, advocacy, technical assistance, and the education and training of attorneys, advocates, persons with disabilities, and parents of children with disabilities. Includes legal cases, links, and resources.
Disability Social History Project
A community history project that outlines important events in disability history, topical exhibits, special projects and resources.
Disability Statistics Center
The purpose of the Disability Statistics Center is to produce and disseminate statistical information on disability and the status of people with disabilities in American society, and establish and monitor indicators of how conditions are changing over time to meet their health, housing, economic and social needs.
DO-IT Program
"Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology."
Education Law Resource Center
The Center provides information to help parents and educators to better understand legal requirements and meet individual student needs. Topics include special education, physical restraints, and the No Child Left Behind law.
Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)
Access to more than 1.2 million pieces of information related to education of individuals with developmental disabilities or those who are gifted. National network co-sponsored by U.S. Department of Education and Office of Educational Research and Improvement.
Education Week on the Web
Online compilation of timely articles on education in America, including special education section.
Empowerment Zone
Information, ideas and resources related to accessible housing, education and health care, travel, civil rights, employment, assistive technology, self-determination, legal assistance and other related topics.
Family and Advocates for Parental Education/FAPE
The Families and Advocates Partnership for Education (FAPE) project, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, was created to improve the educational outcomes for children with disabilities.
Family Education Network
A host of articles, tips, and expert advice on every aspect of parenting including parenting and educating children with special needs.
Family Village: A Global Community of Disability-Related Resources
Comprehensive site containing disability-related resources, discussion groups and other information.
Family Village: Disability History
Links to disability history resources.
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence
Hundreds of education resources supported by agencies across the US Federal government.
Fedworld Web site
Offers a data search component of federal agencies, including the IRS and Environmental Protection Agency.
Fiesta Educativa
Empowering families of persons with disabilities
The U. S. Government's official web portal offers access to all federal web sites and sponsored resources as well as current statistics, research and information.
Holocaust Museum: Treatment of the Handicapped
Brochure describing Nazi treatment of people with disabilities from 1933–1945.
HUD: Housing and Urban Development-Housing for People with Disabilities
Home purchase information specifically related to people with disabilities, including laws and regulations, HUD resources and general information.
Gentle Teaching
Non-violent approach to teaching children and adults with special needs.
Healthy People 2010
Health care information and publications that challenge individuals, communities, and professionals to take specific steps to ensure good health is enjoyed by everyone.
Human Services Research Institute (HRSI)
The Human Services Research Institute was established in 1976 to help states and the federal government enhance services and supports to people with mental illness and people with mental retardation. They also are working to develop alternatives to congregate care facilities.
Inclusion Daily Express
Online newsletter that covers current disability rights, self-determination, and community inclusion issues around the world.
Inclusion of Students with Special Needs
Site for teachers and parents advocating for an inclusive school environment. Includes information on system change, staff development, teaching and learning in an inclusive environment, collaboration, standards and assessments. Links to related sites.
Inclusion Press
Central resource for publications, videos and other information related to community inclusion.
Independent Living Research Utilization
Information on Olmstead decision and its application, ADA, managed care, health issues and international disability issues. Includes resources, related sites, discussion groups.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Information and resources related to IDEA.
Infinitec: Infinite Potential through Assistive Technology
Infinitec, Inc. is a joint effort of the United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater Chicago and United Cerebral Palsy Associations, Inc., Washington D.C.
Information Technology Technical Assistance and Training Center
ITTATC was created to increase the availability of accessible technology in the United States focusing, in particular, on improving the accessibility and usability of information and telecommunication technology, such as computers, web sites, and telephones, and office technology, such as copiers and fax machines.
Institute on Community Integration
University of Minnesota: Resources and information related to disability issues, organized by key project and issues. Includes related resources and web sites.
Institute for Policy Research
Northwestern University: Research on significant public policies related to social sciences.
Internet Resources for Special Children
IRSC: Web site providing information to parents, family members, caregivers, friends, educators, and medical professionals and access to online communities, recent news articles, information, resources, etc.
Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
Information related to job accommodations, the ADA and employability of people with disabilities.
Justice for All
E-mail notification of action alerts related to Congressional legislative issues impacting people with disabilities.
Learning Opportunities for Your Child Through Alternate Assessments
This booklet, published by the US Department of Education, includes a section on accessing grade level content for students wth disabilities.
National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
Public policy information and resources related to developmental disabilities.
National Association of Parents with Children in Special Education (NAPCSE)
A national association that is dedicated to ensuring that all children and adolescents with special needs receive the best education possible. NAPCSE serves the interest of parents with children in special education by giving them resources within the field of special education. NAPCSE advances and strengthens its community through networking, research, publications, and membership benefits.
National Center for Cultural Competence at Georgetown University
The National Center for Cultural Competence (NCCC) was created to help health and mental health programs design, implement, and evaluate culturally and linguistically competent service delivery systems.
National Center for Family Support at Human Services Research Institute
NCFS, through the Human Services Research Institute, provides training and technical assistance on family support to 56 project sites through institutes, conferences, and symposiums. In addition, NCFS creates and disseminates resources and publications on best practices and family support policies.
National Center on Disability & Journalism
Site devoted to educating journalists and educators about disability reporting issues.
National Center on Secondary Education and Transition (NCSET)
Self-Determination for Middle and High School Students
The National Center on Secondary Education and Transition (NCSET) provides technical assistance and disseminates information focused on areas of national significance for youth with disabilities and their families.
National Council on Disability (NCD)
NCD: Access to federal policies, programs, practices and procedures related to equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Includes agency information and resources.
National Disability Rights Network (NDRN)
The National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) is the largest provider of legally-based advocacy services to people with disabilities in the United States. NDRN provides training and technical assistance, legal support, and legislative advocacy services.
National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities
Provides information on disabilities and disability-related issues for families, educators, and other professionals. Their special focus is children and youth (birth to age 22). If you have children with disabilities and don't know where to turn for assistance, make this your first stop.
National Home of Your Own (NHOYO)
Links to web sites and resources related to integrated, affordable and accessible housing for people with disabilities.
National Family Caregivers Association (NFCA)
News and information related to concerns of caregivers, including family members. Training opportunities, tips and research information.
National Health Law Program (NHeLP)
Provides extensive information on health care law affecting low-income people. The site is updated daily with health law news, legislative analysis, and health law Internet links.
National Institute for Urban School Improvement
Extensive library of resources, research, publications and online sites related to inclusive education.
National Institute of Mental Health
Information on mental health issues, services and advocacy
National Program Office on Self-Determination – Institute on Disability University of New Hampshire
The Institute on Disability/UCED at the University of New Hampshire focuses on improving knowledge, policies, and practices related to the lives of persons with disabilities and their families.
National Museum of American History: The Disability Rights Movement
Virtual exhibit available through the Smithsonian Institute converted from a live exhibit that physically existed from July 2000 through July 2001. Exhibit covers the disability rights movement, technology, mobility, the ADA, the parents movement and other topics.
New Hampshire Education Law (NHELaw)
The NHELaw publishes training manuals and conducts trainings for parents, educators, attorneys, and other professionals involved in education issues.
N.O.A.H. Foundation
Web site for a nonprofit agency focused on educating home buyers and sellers on the financing process, provides some down payment assistance and home purchase planning.
Not Dead Yet
Deals with euthanasia issues.
Online Health Services
Directory of disabilities related web sites.
Organizing for Social Change
Midwest Academy (Santa Ana, CA: Seven Locks Press, 2001).
Parallels in Time
Information about the history of society's treatment of people with developmental disabilities, including numerous videos and audio clips.
Parent Training and Information Centers
Parent centers help families obtain appropriate educational services for their children, provide training and information on a variety of topics, and connect children with disabilities with community resources.
Partners in Employment
A six hour self-directed e-learning course on how to find a job, write a resume, participate in an interview, and plan for your career.
People First
Links to People First organizations throughout the world. Self-determination resources and information for self-advocates with developmental disabilities.
People First of California (PFCA)
Self/Peer/Service system advocacy by persons with developmental disabilities
Policy Research Brief: Family Support Services in the United States Research and Training Center on Community Living
University of Minnesota, February 2006.
President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities
Links and information related to mental retardation, including state and federal resources.
Ragged Edge Online
Online magazine covering the disability experience in America.
Real Clout!
A how-to manual for community-based activists trying to expand healthcare access by changing public policy. Available through The Access Project ().
Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North American (RESNA)
An interdisciplinary association dedicated to improving the potential of people with disabilities to achieve their goals through the use of technology. The organization does this through research, development, education, advocacy and provision of technology; and by supporting the people engaged in these activities.
Research & Training Center on Family Support and Children’s Mental Health
The Center’s research and training activities focus on improving services to children and youth who have mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders and their families.
SABE (Self-Advocates Becoming Empowered)
Information, resources and news for self-advocates.
Social Security Administration
The Social Security Administration (SSA) pays retirement, disability and survivors benefits to workers and their families, administers the Supplemental Security Income program and issues Social Security numbers. This web site provides comprehensive information on Social Security benefits and programs and how to access them.
Social Security Disability Resource Center
The goal of this site is to make it easy for individuals and their families to understand their rights, what they are entitled to, and how to qualify for benefits.
Special Education News
Round-up of recent articles related to special education. Organized by interest.
Special Education Resources on the Internet
A collection of Internet accessible information resources of interest to those involved in the fields related to special education.
Tarjan Center – Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities – UCLA (UCEDD)
Providing university-based improvement of knowledge, policies and practices related to persons with disabilities and their families
Access to printed and online resources, as well up-to-date information on key public policy issues related to inclusion.
Technical Assistance Collaborative, Inc.
TAC is a national non-profit organization that advances proven solutions to the housing and community support needs of vulnerable low-income people with significant and long-term disabilities.
The Arc
Online access to facts, resources, advocacy information and news for people with mental retardation and related developmental disabilities.
The Council on Quality and Leadership
An international non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the quality of services and supports to people with disabilities. This is accomplished through its accreditation services, training programs, and research division.
The Disability Rights and Independent Living Movement
The UC Berkeley’s web site on the Disability Rights and Independent Living Movement includes a collection of primary sources exploring the social and political history of the disability movement from the 1960s to the present. Includes oral history.
The Family Center on Technology and Disabilities
The Family Center on Technology and Disabilities supports families of children and youth with disabilities, educators, organizations and programs that work with families of children and youth with disabilities by providing a range of information and services on assistive technologies.
The Red Book
The Red Book serves as a general reference source about the employment-related provisions of Social Security Disability Insurance and the Supplemental Security Income Programs for educators, advocates, rehabilitation professionals, and counselors who serve people with disabilities. This resource includes an overview of employment supports and how they help people with disabilities, and a section on health care and Medicaid protections for people with disabilities who are working or want to work.
The Virtual Activist
Compilation of activist sites, issues and resources available on the Internet.
TimeBanks USA
The goal of TimeBanks USA is to create an economy that rewards caring, decency, and a passion for justice. A Time Bank is a community of people who support each other by helping other members and keeping track of the time spent. Every hour spent doing something for someone in your community earns you one Time Dollar to spend on having someone do something for you.
United States Access Board
The Access Board is an independent Federal agency devoted to accessibility for people with disabilities and a leading source of information on accessible design for the built environment, transit vehicles, telecommunications equipment, and electronic and information technology.
United We Ride: Coordinating Human Service Transportation
United We Ride is an interagency national initiative that supports states and local governments in developing coordinated human service delivery systems and provides coordination grants, a transportation-coordination and planning self-assessment tool, technical assistance, and other resources to help communities succeed.
University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities – USC Childrens Hospital UCEDD
Providing university-based improvement of knowledge, policies and practices related to persons with disabilities and their families
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Center for Development and Learning Project STIR (Steps Toward Independence and Responsibility): Acting for Advocacy (A4A)
A web site for students planning life after high school that provides helpful information, resources, and support, as well as practical tools to become strong self-advocates and make their own life choices.
U.S. Department of Education
Access to comprehensive information on education and educational policy in the United States, including special education.
U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section
An overview of Federal civil rights laws that ensure equal opportunity for people with disabilities.
Whole Schooling Consortium
The Whole Schooling Consortium is an international network of schools, teachers, parents, administrators, university faculty and community members whose purpose is to promote excellence and equity in schools throughout the world to build inclusive and democratic societies.
With an Eye to the Past
Presentation celebrating the contributions Minnesotans have made to improve the care and quality of life of thousands of Minnesotans with developmental disabilities.
Virginia Commonwealth University: Information, resources and research related to work and disability issues.
World Institute on Disability
Information related to inclusion, includes links to other sites with disability focus, publications and program information.
Site for accurate, up-to-date information related to advocacy for special education and special education law.