The Sacramento County IHSS Caregiver Registry is a database of specially screened caregivers who are looking to work for IHSS consumers. When a consumer calls the Registry looking for a new caregiver, Registry Specialists look at specific consumer needs/provider skills, availability, demographic data and other factors in order to find the best potential matches. A list of names is then provided to the IHSS consumer, who is responsible for interviewing and hiring the caregiver. This is a free service available to all IHSS consumers.
If you are a consumer in need of a caregiver, click here.
If you are a caregiver looking for new clients, click here.
Note: If you are a caregiver and you already have an IHSS consumer who would like to hire you, then you do not need to apply to the Registry. Please click on the "Prov Enrollment" tab at the top of this page for information on Provider Enrollment requirements.
Please note that the Caregiver Registry is just a referral service. The IHSS consumer is the employer who will interview, hire, and supervise the caregiver chosen from the referral list.
Need more information? Contact IHSS directly:
IHSS Public Authority Caregiver Registry
3700 Branch Center Road, Suite A
Sacramento, CA 95827
Office Hours: 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Background Check Fingerprinting: 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M..
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