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A Student's Guide to Personal Publishing
Defines personal publishing, how technology allows teen authors to publish their work faster than ever before and benefits such as immediate feedback from friends, adults, or even experts from around the world. The guide also caution readers about ...


Building Assets-Reducing Risks
Building Assets-Reducing Risks (BARR) is specifically designed for 9th grade students to promote positive engagement and bonding in the 9th grade and beyond. Strategies of school engagement are blended together with high expectation and positive ...


Common Sense Media Curriculum - Administrators, Teachers, Counselors
Go way beyond Internet safety! Turn students into great digital citizens. Get all the tools you need with this FREE Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum and Parent Media Education Program. The relevant, ready-to-use instruction helps you ...


Cyber Smart! 21st Century Skills for Education
This site provides free, online professional development workshops for teachers designed to help develop skills and strategies for supporting students in the effective and appropriate use of technology in meeting student learning needs and promoting ...


Cyberbullying Research Center -
The Cyberbullying Research Center provides up-to-date information about the nature, extent, causes, and consequences of cyberbullying among adolescents. The site features publications, research, presentations, multimedia, resources and more.
Serving as a gateway to comprehensive data about the health and well being of children across California, this website makes it easy to monitor trends and pinpoint disparities. Users can easily find shareable data from more than 35 trusted public ...


Olweus Bullying Prevention Program
The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) is a school-wide program designed to improve peer relations to prevent and/or reduce bullying in the elementary and junior high school setting. OBPP has also been adapted successfully for high school ...


Parent Further
A website designed by the Search Institute to educate parents and caregivers on bullying, bullying behaviors and prevention. Learn how to tell the difference between bullying and developmentally appropriate conflict; how the different genders may ...


Second Step: Student Success Through Prevention for Middle School
A program that teaches empathy and communication, emotion-management and coping skills, and decision making to help students stay engaged in school, make good choices, set goals and avoid bullying, cyberbullying and peer pressure. Curriculum ...
For LGBT teens, homophopic remarks such as "that's so gay" is the most commonly heard slur they encounter. Often unintentional and a common part of teens' vernacular; most do not recognize the consequences, but the casual use of this language often ...


American School Counselor Association
School counseling programs are collaborative efforts benefiting students, parents, teachers, administrators and the overall community. This site is supportive of parents and schools working together. Parents will find numerous resources from back to ...


Arcohe Union School District (Herald, CA)
In 2009, the Sacramento County Student Mental Health and Wellness (SMHW) Collaborative developed a plan to promote student mental health through school-based programs and strategies. The Bullying Prevention Project (BPP) is the first major activity ...


Blueprints for Violence Prevention
The Blueprints mission is to identify truly outstanding violence and drug prevention programs that meet a high scientific standard of effectiveness. In doing so, Blueprints serves as a resource for governments, foundations, businesses, and other ...



Bullying Academy Website
This website offers a free web-based interactive program designed to help students, parents and educators recognize the dangers of bullying and cyberbullying. There are web pages created specifically for educators, parents and students.


California Department of Education School Safety Resources
The California Department of Education's Safe Schools web page offers a list of available training opportunities, resources and technical assistance to help establish school/community environments that are physically and emotionally safe, well ...


Care, Assess, Respond, Empower - CARE
CARE (Care, Assess, Respond, Empower) is a computer-assisted suicide assessment interview, Measure of Adolescent Potential for Suicide (MAPS), followed by a 2-hour motivational counseling and social support intervention. Counseling is conducted by a ...


Caring School Community (CSC)
A key feature of this universal K-6 school climate program is the school-wide implementation of the model. CSC focuses on strengthening students’ connectedness to school thereby increasing academic motivation and achievement and reducing drug use, ...


Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence (CSPV)
Housed at the University of Colorado Boulder, the CSPV disseminates information/resources, offers technical assistance and conducts research related to understanding and preventing violence, particularly adolescent violence. The website provides a ...


Center Joint Unified School District (K-12)
In 2009, the Sacramento County Student Mental Health and Wellness (SMHW) Collaborative developed a plan to promote student mental health through school-based programs and strategies. The Bullying Prevention Project (BPP) is the first major activity ...


Common Sense Media - Cyberbullying for Parents
Cyberbullying affects everyone, texting, social sites, media, networking, email and IM - this is how kids socialize. They tune in to find out who's dating who or what the math homework is. A helpful website for parents of Pre-Schoolers ages 2-4 to ...


Common Sense Media--Standing up, Not Standing By: A Free Toolkit for Educators
This free toolkit supports educators in preventing cyberbulying, which hurts students, disrupts classrooms, and impacts school culture. The resources include lessons for students, resources for parents, and strategies for handling cyberbullying ...


Community Matters
The programs and services of Community Matters include components of the Whole School Climate Framework. They are modular, providing the flexibility to address a school's specific culture, needs and goals: Cyberbullying Solutions Safe School ...


Cyberbullying - Identification, Prevention, and Response
This article discusses some of the negative effects cyberbullying can have on a person, where cyberbullying typically happens and estimates on how much cyberbullying occurs. Other topics discussed include, the difference between cyberbullying ...


Direct From the Field: A Guide to Bullying Prevention
Developed as a joint project of three state agencies in Massachusetts, Direct from the Field was designed to assist educators in creating a bullying prevention program to meet the unique needs of their respective communities. The Guide includes ...


Embrace Civility in the Digital Age
A website addressing youth well-being and risk in the digital age in a manner that promotes positive norms, increases effective skills and resiliency, and encourages young people to be helpful allies who positively intervene when they witness peers ...


Embracing Digital Youth
A new website created by Nancy Willard, director of the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use. Her book, Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats was the first book published in the world addressing this critical issue. The website promotes ...


Find Youth Info
The website was created by the Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs (IWGYP), which is composed of representatives from 12 Federal agencies that suport programs and services focusing on youth. Of particular note is the Youth ...


Overcoming the Bystander Effect
Bullying. Most people sometimes freeze or react poorly because they don’t understand the reality of what is happening. They may be in disbelief or don’t know what to do. Young people need to be taught the skills needed to prevent and stop bullying ...


Pacer's National Bullying Prevention Center
"The End of Bullying Begins with You." PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center unites, engages and educates communities nationwide to address bullying through creative, relevant and interactive resources. PACER’s bullying prevention resources ...


Sacramento City Unified School District
In July 2011, SCUSD launched a comprehensive bullying prevention program focused on reducing bullying and harassment of students district-wide. The program is designed to address the issue of bullying systemically and follows the district’s ...


Safe School Ambassadors Program
The Safe School Ambassadors (SSA) program is an "inside-out" approach to improving school climate, that relies on social norms change and the power of students to help stop bullying and violence. Student bystanders are a critical and under-utilized ...


San Juan Unified School District
Visit the District's website and find bullying prevention resources at your fingertips! Discover a variety of in-district resources as well as links to outside resources on topics such as bullying and cyberbullying, media literacy, social-emotional ...
A federal government website managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Includes resources/information on the definition of bullying/cyberbullying, who's at risk, how to respond and prevent bullying. Includes updates, featured ...


Suicide Is Preventable
Know the warning signs for suicide and how to have a direct conversation with someone who may be in crisis. But don't keep this important information to yourself. Help educate others by sharing this website with friends, family and loved ones ...


Teaching Channel - Bullying Prevention
The website houses a 3-part Bullying Prevention Video Series to assist parents in helping their children and school community. Videos include, Bully Proof Your Child, Become a Solution Coach; Creating Rules and Rubrics to Prevent Bullying; and ...