General Assistance
The Program provides short-term cash assistance and social services to adults without children who are at least eighteen (18) years of age. GA helps recipients find employment, or if disabled, obtain support from another source.
The Program is California’s replacement of the Aid to Families With Dependent Children (AFDC) Program. Also known as Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), this program provides cash assistance for eligible families with children (time-limited for non-exempt adults). In 2008, approximately 31,300 families received CalWORKs in Sacramento County.
Cal-Learn Program
The , a program for pregnant or parenting teens under the age of 19 on welfare, is a statewide, mandatory program designed to help them graduate from high school and become self-sufficient.
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI)
is a state-funded cash assistance program for certain aged, blind and disabled immigrants. DHA is the lead county in the North State/Orange CAPI Consortium. DHA staff processes applications and maintains continuing cases for Orange County and 24 Northern California counties.
AFDC—Foster Care (AFDC—FC)
The Program provides cash and Medi-Cal benefits for providers of out-of-home care for children placed into foster care by Sacramento County Child Protective Services (CPS) or the Probation Department.