able to quickly create rapport displays the strengths
demonstrates imaginative leadership
displays strong leadership patterns
displays many leadership competencies
displays leadership traits appropriate to the situation
excels in training, leading and motivating people
effectively uses power and influence
able to assert authority when challenged radiates authority
demonstrates decisive leadership ability
faces problems with confidence and assurance
inspires confidence and respect
inspires distinguished performance
a catalyst for success
radiates confidence
elicits confidence
effectively maintains leadership in a group environment
takes charge
leads by example
emulated by peers and subordinates
displays an ability to stimulate others
commands the respect of others
displays a strong ability to build credibility
earns the respect and loyalty of subordinates is a trusted leader
commands undivided attention commands the attention of others
maintains a high profile in the organization
shows appreciation for contributions and achievements
inspires new employees to become leaders
promotes a high degree of morale
strengthens morale
promotes harmony and teamwork
promotes group harmony
promotes a common purpose
creates shared drive and purpose