WANT ADS This is the most commonly used approach. Ofthe people who found work, 13.5% answered newspapel want ads. But remember by using the want ads there is a lot ofcompetition. Most job openings will no be advertised. The ones that are advertised frequently exaggerate the qualifications needed or are High skilled or high turnover jobs.
GOING DOOR-TO-DOOR This too is a commonly used approach and has yielded some results but does not usually result in helping you, the job seeker, find career employment. Normally ajobseeker that utilizes this approach does not have a specific job in mind, but will take any job that is offered. Also, the person who does the hiring may not be in and you may be submitting unasked-for applications.
PRlVATE EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES These are businesses that match employers and applicants and charge someone a fee for the service. They may charge the employer or you, the job seeker. There is always a contract that specifies services and who pays the fees. READIT BEFORE YOU SIGN!
E.E.D. JOB SERVICE (Employment Development Department) Services are free; some employers advertise only with them; check listings often.
ADVERTISE SELF-EMPLOYMENT Must have saleable skills; allows you to make your own schedule.