13. Psychiatric or counseling history
Have you ever been in counseling before?
If so, with whom and for what problems, and how long did the counselinglast?
Do you remember anything your previous counselor did that was particularly helpful (or particularly unhelpful)? Did counseling help with the problem? If not, what did help? Why did you end counseling?
Have you ever been hospitalized for psychological reasons? What was the problem then?
Have you ever taken medication for psychiatric problems? Has anyone in your family been hospitalized for psychological reasons?
Has anyone in your family had significant mental disturbances? Can you remember that person's problem or diagnosis?\
14. Alcohol and drug history
When did you have your first drink of alcohol (or pot, etc.)?
About how much alcohol do you consume each day (or week or month)?
What is your "drinking/drug of choice"?
Have you ever had any medical, legal, familial, or work problems
related to alcohol?
Under what circumstances are you most likely to drink?
What benefits do you believe you get from drinking?
15. Legal history
Have you ever been arrested or ticketed for an illegal activity?
Have you been issued any tickets for driving under the influence?
Have you been given any tickets for speeding?
How many or how often?
Have you ever declared bankruptcy?
16. Recreational history
What is your favorite recreational activity?
What recreational activities do you hate or avoid?
What sport, hobby, or leisure time pursuit are you best at?
How often do you engage in your favorite (or best) activity?
What prevents you from engaging in this activity more often?
Whom do you do this activity with?
Are there any recreational activities that you'd like to do, but you've
never had the time or opportunity to try?
17. Developmental history
Do you know the circumstance surrounding your conception?
Was your mother's pregnancy normal?
What was your birth weight?
Do you know whether your were nursed or bottle-fed?
When did you sit, stand, and walk?
When did your menses begin? (for females)
18. Spiritual or religious history
What is your religious background? What are your current religious or spiritual beliefs? De you jiave_a religious affiliation?
Do you attend church, pray, meditate, or otherwise participate in religious activities? What other spiritual activities have you been involved in prevoiusly?
1. First memories
What is your first memory?
How old were you then?
Do you have any very positive (or negative) early memories?
2. Descriptions and memories of parents
Give me three words to describe your mother (or father).
Who did you spend more time with, Mom or Dad?
What methods of discipline did your parents use with you?
What recreational of home activities did you do with your parents?
3. Descriptions and memories of siblings
Did you have any brothers or sisters? (If so, how many?) What memories do you have of time spent with your siblings? Who was your closest sibling and why? Who were you most similar to in your family? Who were you most dissimilar to in your family?
4. Elementary school experiences
Do you remember your first day of school? How was school for you? (Did you like school?) What was your favorite (or best) subject in school? What subject did you like least (or were you worst at)? Do you have any vivid school memories? Who was your favorite (or least favorite) teacher? What made you like (or dislike) this teacher so much? Were you ever suspended or expelled from school? Describe the worst trouble you were ever in when in school. Were you in any special or remedial classes in school?
5. Peer relationships (in and out of school)
Do you remember having many friends in school?
What kinds of things did you do for fun with your friends?
Did you get along better with boys or girls?
What positive (or negative) memories do you have from relationships
you had with your friends in elementary school?
6. Middle school, high school, and college experiences
Do you remember having many friends in high school?
What kinds of things did you do for fun with your friends?
Did you get along better with boys or girls?
What positive (or negative) memories do you have from high school?
So you remember your first day of high school?
How was high school for you? (Did you like high school?)
What was your favorite (or best) subject in high school?
What subject did you like least (or were you worst at)?
Do you have any vivid high school memories?
Who was your favorite (or least favorite) high school teacher?
What made you like (or dislike) this teacher so much?
Were you ever suspended or expelled from high school?
Describe the worst trouble you were ever in when in high school.
What was your greatest high school achievement (or award)?
Did you go to college?
What were your reasons for going (or not going) to college?
What was your major field of study in college?
What is the highest degree you obtained?