1. What percentage of jobs is not advertized in the newspaper?
a. 35%
b. 10%
c. 50%
d. 80%
2. Which companies generate the most new jobs? Companies that employ:
a. 500+
b. 51-100
c. 10-25
d. 1-19
3. What is the most effective way Americans find work?
a. Placement Office
b. Direct Emplover Contacts
c. Friemls/Relatives
d. Creative Job hunting approach.
e. Job Services
f. Newspaper
4. Why do employers hire people?
a. Because they like them.
b. Thev have astrong educational background.
c. A great looking resume
5. A person should dress ready for an interview when picking up applications?
a. True
b. False
Presented by Patricia Bell during a Sacramento County- DHHS Job Workshop