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Aggression Replacement Training
The ART program combines anger control training, social skills training, and moral reasoning education in an attempt to alter the behavior of chronically aggressive adolescents with anti-social behavior (ASB) problems. The goal of the program is to ...


Brief on Suicide and Bullying
This Issue Brief, from the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, examines the relationship between suicide and bullying among children and adolescents, with special attention to LGBTQ youth. The document explores strategies and action steps for ...


Common Sense Media Curriculum - Administrators, Teachers, Counselors
Go way beyond Internet safety! Turn students into great digital citizens. Get all the tools you need with this FREE Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum and Parent Media Education Program. The relevant, ready-to-use instruction helps you ...


Cyberbullying Research Summary - Cyberbullying & Self-Esteem
A research brief discussing the relationship between cyberbullying and self-esteem. Includes definitions, highlights from the research and more.


Enhancing Child Safety & Online Technologies
Final report of the Internet Safety Technical Task Force to the Multi-State working group on Social Networking of the State Attorney Generals of the United States. Many youth in the United States have fully integrated the Internet into their daily ...


Institute of Education Science - National Center for Education Evaluation
This study tested 51 characteristics of bullying victimization, bullying victims, and bullying victims’ schools to determine which were associated with reporting to school officials. It found that 11characteristics in two categories—bullying ...
Serving as a gateway to comprehensive data about the health and well being of children across California, this website makes it easy to monitor trends and pinpoint disparities. Users can easily find shareable data from more than 35 trusted public ...


Olweus Bullying Prevention Program
The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) is a school-wide program designed to improve peer relations to prevent and/or reduce bullying in the elementary and junior high school setting. OBPP has also been adapted successfully for high school ...


Sexting: A Brief Guide for Educators and Parents
Defines the term sexting, examines youth prevalence, provides a review of the research and offers suggestions for how school personnel should handle incidents involving sexting.


Steps to Respect: Bullying Prevention for Elementary School
Bullying prevention program for 3rd-6th grade. Training encompasses all staff, including a family overview session. Staff assess current practices and implement strategies to increase awareness and responsiveness, help students victimized by ...


Trends in Adolescent Online Social Networking
In 2006, researchers Patchin and Hinduja conducted an extensive content analysis of over 2300 randomly-sampled adolescent MySpace profile pages to determine the extent to which youth were posting personal information and publicly expressing or ...


Aggressors, Victims and Bystanders (AVB): Thinking and Acting To Prevent Violence
Part of the Teenage Health Teaching Modules, AVB is recommended for youth in grades 6 to 8 and those who have been exposed to violence. The cognitive-based approach helps students examine their role in violent interactions with others from the view ...


California Department of Education School Safety Resources
The California Department of Education's Safe Schools web page offers a list of available training opportunities, resources and technical assistance to help establish school/community environments that are physically and emotionally safe, well ...


California Healthy Kids Survey
A California statewide survey of resiliency, protective factors and risk behaviors of students in grades 5, 7, 9 and 11. The survey features three main domains: Physical Health, Safety and Social Emotional Health. Data is collected for each domain ...


Caring School Community (CSC)
A key feature of this universal K-6 school climate program is the school-wide implementation of the model. CSC focuses on strengthening students’ connectedness to school thereby increasing academic motivation and achievement and reducing drug use, ...


Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence (CSPV)
Housed at the University of Colorado Boulder, the CSPV disseminates information/resources, offers technical assistance and conducts research related to understanding and preventing violence, particularly adolescent violence. The website provides a ...


Community Action Planning: "Building Prevention and Response Training Module"
These Bullying Prevention Training Module materials are designed to support community and school efforts in the presentation of research-based resources that can help lead bullying prevention efforts. Slides help present the latest information and ...


Community Matters
The programs and services of Community Matters include components of the Whole School Climate Framework. They are modular, providing the flexibility to address a school's specific culture, needs and goals: Cyberbullying Solutions Safe School ...


Cyberbullying and Strain
A Research Summary factsheet from the Cyberbullying Research Center providing insight on a current study using a popular contemporary criminological theory-general strain theory (GST)- to contribute to what is known about the factors associated with ...


Direct From the Field: A Guide to Bullying Prevention
Developed as a joint project of three state agencies in Massachusetts, Direct from the Field was designed to assist educators in creating a bullying prevention program to meet the unique needs of their respective communities. The Guide includes ...


Implementation Research: A Synthesis of the Literature
A full research monograph of work by the Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, University of South Florida. In this document you will find a detailed summary of the science of implementation. The study of the findings of research ...


Love Is Not Abuse
This curriculum deals with senstive issues related to dating abuse. During their teenage years, when they are no longer children, but not yet adults many young people begin to form their first romantic relationships. Dating violence and abuse is ...


Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a framework for achieving improved academic and behavioral outcomes for all students. It guides intervention at the school and district level by a structure to support the adults and students ...


Project Cornerstone
A YMCA of Silicon Valley initiative offering programs for students, teachers/staff and parents/caregivers to prevent bullying and promote a positive school climate/culture. Student workshops address consequences of bullying and how to identify and ...


Ripple Effects Whole Spectrum Intervention System
A computer-based program for students that has 140 topics for 6-12 year olds and 390 topics for 13-17 year olds. Topics can be customized for the individual student and address social-emotional competencies such as assertiveness, decision-making, ...


Safe Communities ~ Safe Schools Pre-Planning Assessment Handbook
The Handbook is intended to aid school-community planning teams in identifying areas of strength and weakness that could affect school and community safety. Includes instructions, scoring sheets and the following checklists: Parent/Community ...


Safe School Ambassadors Program
The Safe School Ambassadors (SSA) program is an "inside-out" approach to improving school climate, that relies on social norms change and the power of students to help stop bullying and violence. Student bystanders are a critical and under-utilized ...


State Cyberbullying Laws
Learn what States currently possess laws on cyberbullying including California. This fact sheet presents a brief review of State cyberbullying laws and policies.


Suicide Is Preventable
Know the warning signs for suicide and how to have a direct conversation with someone who may be in crisis. But don't keep this important information to yourself. Help educate others by sharing this website with friends, family and loved ones ...


Too Good for Violence
Too Good for Violence K-12 is a universal, violence prevention and character education program that teaches character-based skills, attitudes, and behaviors to help students: differentiate between feelings and actions, encourage respect between ...


UCLA School Mental Health Project
The UCLA Center for Mental Health in Schools offers a number of resources and tools as well as a program clearinghouse and publications to support schools in creating environments for social emotional wellness and academic success. Use the website's ...


What, me worry? Students, Stress and Learning
Stress is a physiological response (including bullying) to a perception of a lack of control. The research presented addresses how children and teens react to stress, symptoms of stress, and how young people perceive stress differently from adults. ...