Nationally Accredited Suicide Prevention Crisis Center (AAS) available 24/7/365 Crisis Chat Instant Messaging support is available at ; Crisis Chat via TEXTING- Text the word HOPE to 916.668.iCan (4226) Follow up calls are offered to those in suicidal crisis and survivors of suicide loss Emergency Department Follow Up program available ASIST and SafeTALK workshops Business Office:
Parent Support Line 24 hour Crisis Line for parents (and others involved in the lives of children of all ages) seeking emotional support, linkages to community resources for families, or just a listening ear.
Institute on Aging Friendship Line Provides 24/7 crisis intervention and emotional support to older adults who are depressed, bereaved, or lonely.
California Youth Crisis Line The California Youth Crisis Line (CYCL) operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week as the statewide emergency response system for youth (ages 12-24) and families in crisis.
Central Valley Region Suicide Prevention Network Lynn Zender,
Community Health Improvement Partners (CHIP), along with Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services’ Suicide Prevention Center in Los Angeles, The Effort in Sacramento, The Bay Area Suicide and Crisis Intervention Alliance, Suicide Prevention and Crisis Services of Yolo County, and Help, Inc. of Shasta County are leading the expansion of suicide prevention efforts in California, thanks to the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) ( This consortium will organize regional suicide prevention task forces that will collectively form the California Suicide Prevention Network (CSPN). With representatives from colleges, school districts, community and faith-based groups, federal and municipal agencies, and medical centers, these task forces will come up with concrete steps to reduce the risk of suicide locally and then share their best practices with others across the State and nation. The consortium will also identify the State’s gaps in services and populations that have been overlooked and under-served.
Sacramento County Department Of Health And Human Services: Jail Psychiatric Services Jail psychiatric services are provided to adults who are incarcerated at the Sacramento County jail. Services include mental health screening, assessment, stabilization, crisis intervention, medication, pre-release planning, and community referral.
Sierra Elder Wellness Program The Sierra Elder Wellness Program is a field-based program providing outpatient mental health services for the growing older adult population, ages 55 years and older. Services include outreach, mental health rehabilitation and therapy, co-occurring disorders services, psychiatric medication and follow up services, housing support, case management and other support as identified.
Stop Stigma Sacramento (Division of Behavioral Health Services) 211 (or TTY )
The anti-stigma and discrimination project ultimately seeks to eliminate the barriers to achieving full inclusion in society and increase access to mental health resources to support individuals and families.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)-Greater Sacramento Valerie Kovacovich, Phone: Email:
Chapter of the AFSP,a ntitonal organization has been at the forefront of a wide range of suicide prevention initiatives -- each designed to reduce loss of life from suicide. We are investing in groundbreaking research, new educational campaigns, innovative demonstration projects and critical policy work. And we are expanding our assistance to people whose lives have been affected by suicide, reaching out to offer support and offering opportunities to become involved in prevention.
NAMI Sacramento Phone: Email:
NAMI Sacramento is a grassroots, family and consumer self-help support and advocacy organization dedicated to improving the lives of people with severe mental illnesses, i.e., schizophrenia, bipolar disorder (manic depression), clinical depression, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and PTSD.
Friends for Survival, Inc. Friends For Survival, Inc. is an organization of people who have been affected by a death caused by suicide. We are dedicated to providing a variety of peer support services that comfort those in grief, encourage healing and growth, foster the development of skills to cope with a loss and educate the entire community regarding the impact of suicide.
Support Group
Supporting Community Connections Programs Phone: Email: Provide cultural and ethnic specific outreach activities and support services targeting nine specific communities in Sacramento County, specifically targets un-served and underserved communities. The Supporting Community Connections agencies are community-based and proactive in relationship marketing to underserved populations (i.e., Native American, Latino, older adults, etc).
Mental Health First Aid A 12-hour course, available to interested community members,that seeks to inform individuals to help and connect persons with mental illness to services and support.
Mental Health Training for Crisis Responders
Two-hour course available to the Sacramento Police Department that consists of an overview of mental health/illness and current resources available to law enforcement.
ASIST and AMSR training Phone: Email:
Out of the Darkness walk (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)P-Greater Sacramento) Valerie Kovacovich, Phone: Email: Out of the Darkness walks take place in over 200 communties around the country each fall. The walks raise funds to support the AFSP's research and education programs to prevent suicide and save lives.