One reason I am grateful for this diagnosis is because it has provided me with therapeutic opportunities to learn how to manage strong emotions. Through medical treatments as well as cognitive and behavioral techniques, I have been able to manage my emotional experience more effectively. The quality of life that I enjoy today is remarkably pleasurable.
Because I had this diagnosis, opportunities for evidence-based treatment were provided to me by professionals who have faith in my ability to achieve wellness. In addition, opportunities for healing were available through peer support and peer-based interventions (Copeland, 2011).
Having a psychiatric diagnosis has also helped me to accept that I cannot define the potential for healing for myself, let alone any other human being. The professionals who tried to predict the course of my illness, the ones who told me to lower my expectations and quit expecting great things of myself were mistaken.
Today, I have a career that I love, and I am in a long-term loving relationship with a special person who loves me for who I am. From this I learned that if I am willing to adopt a recovery and wellness approach to my mental health, I can achieve my goals, regardless of what others say.