FREE! Training of Trainers “FAMILIES MATTER” Model Program
Prevent teen alcohol use through family strength Perfect for Hard to Engage Populations!
Benefit to Organizations Receiving Training
Free training in “Families Matter” Model Program. Includes all material.
Very low cost to implement - no materials to replenish or meeting space needed.
Extremely effective outcomes, even with volunteer educators.
Training includes detailed outreach, engagement & retention tips.
Engage hard to reach populations. Bi-lingual training available.
Benefit to Families from Your Training
Free in-home family program provides 1-on-1 family support through phone and email.
Booklets with in-home activities for parents alone AND parents & teens together.
No obstacles from transportation, language, culture, health, or finances.
Personalized attention, convenient scheduling, and offers privacy due to phone anonymity.
Family Topics Encourage family communication Set family rules for alcohol use
Enhance parental supervision Resist peer and media influence
Booklet I
WHY FAMILIES MATTER: Understanding negative consequences to family from teen drug use
Booklet 2
HELPING FAMILIES MATTER TO TEENS: Family strengths that positively influence teens
Booklet 3
ALCOHOL RULES ARE FAMILY MATTERS: Family variables that predict adolescent drug use
Booklet 4
NON-FAMILY INFLUENCES THAT MATTER: Outside factors that influence teen alcohol use
To Request Training or For More Information: Omni Youth Programs
Funded by Sacramento County Department of Health and Human Services – Alcohol and Drug Services