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AOD Treatment Programs and Other Programs

 A.F.T.E.R. Drinking Driver Program
DUI 1st offender program
1025 19th Street Ste 2 Sacramento, California 95814 Phone:

Another Choice, Another Chance
Outpatient drug and alcohol counseling
5415 Florin Rd Sacramento, California 95823 Phone:

 Asian American Recovery Services
Outpatient mental health and alcohol and drug treatment services
5330 Power Inn Road Ste A
Sacramento, California 95

 Associated Family Therapy
Outpatient mental health and alcohol and drug treatment services
5777 Madison Ave Ste 240
Sacramento, California 95841

BHC Heritage Oaks Hospital
Outpatient mental health and alcohol and drug treatment services
Substance Abuse Outpatient Services
4250 Auburn Blvd Sacramento, California 95841 Phone:

 Bi Valley Medical Clinic
Outpatient methadone maintainence progr
310 Harris Ave., Ste A
Sacramento, California 95838

Breining Institute
Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment 2775 Cottage Way Ste 25
Sacramento, California 95825

Breining Institute
1st offender DUI program
7880 Alta Valley Way Ste 160
Sacramento, California 95823

Bridges Professional Treatment Serv.
Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment
1422 28th Street Ste A
Sacramento, California 95816

Bridges Professional Treatment Serv.
25 bed residential drug and alcohol treatment program
2727 P Street Sacramento, California 95816 Phone:

California Department Alcohol and Drug Prgms
1700 K Street 4TH Floor Sacto, CA 95814 Phone:

Celebrate Recovery
Christ-Centered 12-step recovery program
Gifted Healing Center 7650 Amherst St Sacramento, California 95 Phone:

Celebrate Recovery
Christ-Centered 12-step recovery program
Valley Grace Community Church
45 Quinta Ct, Ste B Sacramento, California 95823 Phone:

 Child and Family Institute
Outpatient mental health and alcohol and drug treatment services for children
4545 9th Ave Sacramento, California 95 Phone:

Christian Partnership Inc
2251 Florin Rd Ste 136 Sacramento, California 95822 Phone:

Clean and Sober
1321 North C Street Sacramento, California 95812 Phone:

Community Action Substance Abuse
Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment
2630 Edison Sacramento, California 95821

Effort Counseling Center
Residential drug and alcohol treatment
Alternative House

1550 Juliesse Ave Sacramento, California 95815 Phone:

Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous
Sacramento, California


Strategies for Change
Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment
1507 21st Street Ste 100
Sacramento, California 95814

The Effort Inc
Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment
1820 J Street Sacramento, California 95816 Phone:

The Effort Inc
Residential detox program Detox Center
7586 Stockton Blvd Sacramento, California 95823 Phone:

 Treatment Associates Inc
Outpatient methadone maintenance

7225 E. Southgate Drive Ste D
Sacramento, California 95823

Options for recovery-Passages
Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment for
7000 Franklin Blvd Ste 110
Sacramento, California 95823

Options for Recovery/residential
Residential drug and alcohol treatment
Volunteers of America
PO Box 38369 Sacramento, California 95838 Phone:

Panacea Inc
Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment program Comprehensive Drug/Alcohol Treatment 3353 Bradshaw Rd. Ste 103
Sacramento, California 95827

Paoli, Linda C., LCSW
2628 El Camino Ave , SteC-1
Sacramento, California 95821

People Reaching Out
Substance abuse program
5299 Auburn Blvd
Sacramento, California 95841

 River City Recovery Center
15 bed residential detox and alcohol treatment program Grace House
500 22nd Street Sacramento, California 95816 Phone:

Sacramento Area Emergency Housing
Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment program Sacramento, California 95816

Sacramento Black Alcoholism Center
Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment 3307 Broadway Ste 200
Sacramento, California 95817

Sacramento Childen's Home
Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment 1815 Stockton Blvd
Sacramento, California 95816

Sacramento Co. Probation Department
Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment
Sacramento Co Drug Court
2140 Stockton Blvd Sacramento, California 95817 Phone:

Sacramento Recovery House
18 bed residential alcohol and drug treatment facility
1914 22nd Street Sacramento, California 95816 Phone:

Safety Center Inc
DUI programs for 1st and 2nd offenders
3909 Bradshaw Road
Sacramento, California 95827

Salvation Army/Adult Rehab
Residential adult alcohol and drug and addiction rehab program with a Christian atmosphere and philosophy
1615 D Street Sacramento, California 95 Phone:

Family Resource Center
Outpatient alcohol and drug treatment
2988 35th Street Sacramento, California 95817 Phone:

Family Service Agency/Sacamento
Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment
8912 Volunteer Lane
Ste 100 Sacramento, California 95 Phone:

Friday Night Live
Peer programs to prevent or reduce alcohol, tobacco or other drug use among youth 9738 Lincoln Village Drive
Sacramento, California 95

Gateway House
14 bed residential alcohol and drug treatment facility.
4049 Miller Way Sacramento, California 95817 Phone:

Kaiser Chemical Dependency
Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment program Recovery Program
2829 Watt Ave Sacramento, California 95821 Phone:

Kaiser Permanente/Chemical Dep
Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment program Chemical Dependency Recovery
6600 Bruceville Rd Sacramento, California 95823 Phone:

Mexican American Alcoholism
DUI 1st offender program
Sacramento Drinking Driver Program
4241 Florin Rd., Ste 110 Sacramento, California 95823 Phone:

Mexican American Alcoholism
20 bed residential drug and alcohol treatment program Mi Casa Recovery home  2515 48th Ave Sacramento, California 95823 Phone:

Volunteers of America
Residential drug and alcohol treatment for boys and girls

1009 Yale Street Sacramento, California 95819 Phone:


Mothers Against Drunk Drivers
2222 Watt Ave., Ste C-1
Sacramento, California 95825

Oak Park Multi Services Center
Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment
Alcohol and drug programs
4875 Broadway, Ste 129
Sacramento, California 95820

Volunteers of America/Sacramento

Residential drug and alcohol treatment program for boys and girls
Options for recovery
1001 Grand Ave Sacramento, California 95838 Phone:

Volunteers of America/Sacramento
1900 Point West Way Ste 270
Sacramento, California 95815

After Counseling
5777 Madison Ave #240 Sacramento, California 95841 Phone:

2515 48th Avenue Sacramento, California 95822 Phone:

Calif Youth Crisis Line
Statewide, 24-hr crisis intervention counseling for youth ages 12-24 yrs & their families. Sacramento, California

Gambling Helpline
Call the gambling helpline 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week if you or someone you know has a problem with gambling. Free services. Sacramento, California Phone:

Strategies for Change
1507 21st Street Suite 100 Sacramento, California 95814 Phone:

Asian Pacific Community Counseling
5330 Power Inn Road Ste A
Sacramento, California 95

Associated Family Therapy
Outpatient mental health services for adults, families, children, and groups.
5777 Madison Ave Ste 240
Sacramento, California 95841

Children and Family Institute
4545 9th Avenue Sacramento, California 95 PH:

El Hogar Mental Health
Outpatient mental health services for adult
608 10th Street Sacramento, California 95 Phone:

Family Service Agency
Outpatient marriage and family counseling
8912 Volunteer Lane Ste 100
Sacramento, California 95

River Oak Center for Children
Assistance to emotionally troubled children and their families
5404 Laurel Hill Drive Sacramento, California 95841 Phone:

Sierra Vista Hospital
72 bed psychiatric hospital
8001 Bruceville Road Sacramento, California 95823 Phone:

Sutter Center for Psychiatry
69 bed psychiatric hospital for adults
7700 Folsom Blvd Sacramento, California 95 Phone:

Sutter Counseling Center
Intensive Outpatient mental health services for youth
855 Howe Ave Sacramento, California 95 Phone:

Veterans Counseling Center
Mental Health Counseling for all combat 1111 Howe Ave Ste 390
Sacramento, CA 95825 PH:

Warmline Family Resource Center
Information ,education and support for families and childlren with special needs.
Sacramento, Phone:

Child Abuse Reporting
Sacramento, Ca. Phone:

EMQ Childfen and Family Services
At EMQ Children & Family Services
8801 Folsom Boulevard, Suite 210
Sacramento, California 95826

EMQ Foster Family Agency
EMQ foster home.
8801 Folsom Blvd., Ste. 210
Sacramento, California 95826