Psychoanalysis, a long-term therapy, emphasizes how the patient's unconscious motivations and early patterns of resolving issues are important influences in his or her present actions and feelings.
Psychodynamic psychotherapy examines important relationships and experiences from early childhood to the present in an effort to analyze and change unsettling or destructive behaviors and to resolve emotional problems.
Cognitive therapy aims to identify and correct distorted thinking patterns that can lead to troublesome feelings and behaviors.
Family therapy involves discussions and problem-solving sessions with every member of a family - sometimes with the entire group, sometimes with individuals.
Couple therapy aims to develop a more rewarding relationship and minimize problems through understanding how individual conflicts get expressed in the couple's interactions.
Group therapy involves a small group of people who, with the guidance of a therapist, discuss individual issues and help each other with problems.
Play therapy is a technique used for establishing communication and resolving problems with young children.