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Addiction Resources
Debtors Anonymous -
For men and women with a desire to stop using any forms of unsecured debt, to stay solvent and help others achieve solvency. Call for local meeting times or visit their website at

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
12-step group for those who have compulsive needs for sex or attachment. Also have groups for partners. Various locations of group. No cost - free will donation. Call their message phone at .

Ready to Quit -
At, we understand and acknowledge the nature of addiction as a treatable disease, with its own set of discernible symptoms and therapies. Here you can find up-to-date news, comprehensive information, and treatment options for addictiion:

Women For Sobriety -
Women For Sobriety is both an organization and a self-help program for women alcoholics. Based upon a Thirteen Statement Program of positivity that encourages emotional and spiritual growth, the "New Life" Program helps women to overcome their alcoholism and learn a wholly new lifestyle. As a Program, it can stand alone or be used along with other programs simultaneously. WFS is based on the belief that women alcoholics require a different kind of program in recovery than the kinds of programs used for male alcoholics. Although the physiological recovery from alcoholism is the same for both sexes, WFS believes the psychological (emotional) needs for women are very different in recovery from those of the male alcoholic. The "New Life" Program is directed to these specific needs of the woman alcoholic in recovery.

Narcotics Anonymous - Placer County-
Meets Fridays at 7pm at the Sierra First Baptist Church. No fees. Contact person is Nancy Goodman at .

Gamblers Anonymous - www,
12-step support group for compulsive gamblers. Evening and day meetings. Call answering service at .

Rational Recovery Systems, Inc.
An alternative to the 12-step approach. This approach does not believe addiction is a disease. They believe it is lack of information on how to quit. For more information call Lois at or call -CURE or visit their website at

The Effort -
Groups for all drug-using individuals. Led by trained professionals. Sliding scale fee. Call their office at or visit their website at

Clutterers Anonymous -
What is Clutterers Anonymous? Clutterers Anonymous (CLA) is a fellowship of individuals who share experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem with clutter and help others recover. There are no dues or fees. Clutterers Anonymous is not affiliated with any public or private organization, political movement, ideology, or religious doctrine. What does Clutterers Anonymous have to offer you? Find out about the real problem lurking underneath the physical mess and how others have found hope. What is clutter? Clutter is anything we don't need, want, or use that takes our time, energy or space, and destroys our serenity. It can be outgrown clothes, obsolete papers, broken toys, disliked gifts, meaningless activity, ancient resentments, or unsatisfying relationships. We may be selective in some areas, but not in others. Objects may be strewn about or wedged into drawers; neatly stacked or stowed in storage.

Freedom from Smoking-
The Lung Association offers this group which uses a positive behavior change approach that shows you how to become a nonsmoker and to have fun with the group as you quit together. Trained facilitator. $89 for 8 weeks. Contact their office at or go to

Chemical Dependency Center for Women
Support groups and workshops on issues related to problems and prevention of chemical dependency. Also parenting classes and grandparents support groups. Sliding scale fees and they also take MediCal. Call their office at or email them at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

She's In Recovery -

She's In Recovery is an online community with support, information and resources for women in recovery from addiction. I thought this site had a very friendly, non-threatening feel to it (and some great jokes) and would recommend it to any woman in recovery, but also to any woman needing, but not yet ready to take the recovery step.

Smart Recovery -
SMART Recovery® offers free face-to-face and online mutual help groups. SMART Recovery® (Self-Management And Recovery Training) helps people recover from all types of addictive behaviors, including: alcoholism, drug abuse, substance abuse, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, gambling addiction, cocaine addiction, and addiction to other substances and activities. SMART Recovery® is an alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.




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