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Cultural Competence Resource

Materials on how to work effectively with different populations; how to design materials and programs for people of different cultural and religious backgrounds in general, and related specifically to suicide prevention. See the sub-categories under Populations and Settings for materials on specific populations.  



American Indian and Alaska Native culture card: A guide to build cultural awareness
Intended to enhance cultural competence when serving American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Covers regional differences; cultural customs; spirituality; communications styles; the role of veterans and the elderly, and health disparities, such as suicide.
American Indian suicides in jail: Can risk screening be culturally sensitive?
With the help of researchers, the administrator of a jail in a Northern Plains State found out how culture can help identify detainees� risk for suicide.
Assessing suicide and risk behaviors in an incarcerated American Indian population:
Investigating culturally sensitive risk assessment instruments and procedures in a border jail. The overall objective of this research was to address and fill in the gaps in the existing research literature by evaluating a popular suicidal ideation assessment tool, one commonly used within detention centers around the country, for its cultural sensitivity and to modify and, where appropriate, to improve the state, local, and tribal correctional agencies� ability to more effectively screen for suicide ideation among American Indian detainees. This endeavor involved exploring the connection between American Indian - Northern Plains culture and non-Indian inmates� responses to suicide screening questions as they are asked within this setting.
Community based participatory research in a tribal community
Presented at the January 2009 grantees conference, this presentation describes community based participatory research methods were used in a youth suicide on the White Mountain Apache Reservation.


Creating effective suicide prevention strategies for the Hmong community:

We are the peace we need. We are our own solutions (SPRC Discussion Series) A presentation and discussion on suicide prevention in refugee and immigrant populations, specifically the Hmong community. The Research to Practice Webinar webpage contains an author biography, PowerPoint slides, and an audio file of the discussion.

Cultural and linguistic competence policy assessment (CLCPA)
The CLCPA is designed to examine cultural and linguistic competence at an agency or organization. This website contains the tool itself and a guide to using the tool.

Cultural and linguistic competence toolkit
This toolkit is based on a model of three interconnected arches: organizational structure, engagement, and services/activities/interventions. Together, the arches provide the support to create a solid foundation for the Safe Schools/Healthy Students (SS/HS) initiative.
Cultural awareness in health care
This page of the Dartmouth Biomedical Libraries website provides a comprehensive collection of resources on cultural competence in healthcare. Includes resources on: racial and ethnic disparities; American Indians' health; culturally specific patient education materials; and teaching tools for health professionals.
Cultural competence in mental health
This brochure briefly describes: what is culture; what is cultural competence; diversity in the United States; how to incorporate cultural competency standards into practice; and an example of cultural competence in practice (a community-based intervention for elderly Chinese Americans).

A cultural competency toolkit: Ten grant sites share lessons learned
The Cultural Competency Initiative, which was launched in 2000, assisted consumer supporter organizations by providing funding and technical assistance as well as by disseminating information about innovative minority outreach programs. Through a competitive selection process, ten sites across the country were each awarded $5,000 to launch new initiatives or to build upon existing programs over a one year period. With data from these ten organizations, NCSTAC is now able to offer this Cultural Competency Toolkit. Each chapter provides an overview of one of the ten model programs. Project goals and implementation plans are shared, project leaders share their expertise, and program materials are included in each chapter's appendices.
Cultural competency: A practical guide for mental health service providers
Defines the term "cultural competency". Provides guidance for mental health professionals on: developing essential knowledge, skills and attributes; building counselor/client rapport; translator and interpreter challenges; connecting with families; and confidentiality issues.

Cultural competency: Developing strategies to engage minority populations in suicide prevention
Report developed by the National Organization for People of Color Against Suicide (NOPCAS)Task Force that outlines the issues involved in engaging communities of color in suicide prevention.

The cultural facet of suicidal behaviour: Its importance and neglect
Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health (AeJAMH). 2006. 5(3). This paper illustrates that various scholars have recognised the relevance of culture and ethnicity in the understanding of suicidal behaviour. The author provides evidence of the need to pay more attention to the meaning and interpretation of suicide in cross-cultural research and underlines the necessity to establish cultural-sensitive prevention strategies.
Culturally competent crisis response: Information for school psychologists and crisis teams
This information sheet, using vignettes on suicide among minority students, discusses crisis response planning and culturally competent response.
Diversity & suicidal behavior

Ensuring cultural and linguistic competence (Presentation)
State/Tribal/Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting. December 12�14, 2006, North Bethesda, MD. Overviews definitions and value base of cultural competence and cultural considerations for suicide prevention. 2:30 Exercise: �Purple People� 3:30 Exercise: �Designing Culturally Specific Suicide Prevention Strategies� 4:30 Case Study: Developing a Culturally and Linguistically Specific Social Marketing Strategy

Evidence-based practices and multicultural mental health
The mental health field is increasingly requiring evidence based practices (EBPs) in an effort to boost quality, effectiveness, and accountability in mental health care services. This resource was created to provide information to NAMI stakeholders�individuals with mental illness, families, providers, and partners�on the literature discussing EBPs, with special consideration of multicultural issues. Discusses: the basics of EBPs; history of the EBP movement; EBP challenges; cultural adaptations of EBPs; utilization of culturally specific interventions (i.e., practice-based evidence models); and policy considerations.
GLBTQI mental health: Recommendations for policies and services
This companion* resource guide provides important considerations for service providers and policy makers, including an assessment of the barriers faced by individuals in the GLBTQI community who are seeking mental health care and practical strategies to address these obstacles. The information is based on both a growing body of literature on the topic and the focus groups conducted by the authors. *A Mental Health Recovery and Community Integration Guide for GLBTQI Individuals: What You Need to Know
Guidelines for working effectively with interpreters in a mental health setting
These guidelines from Australia are intended to assist mental health staff to understand the characteristics of interpreted meetings and to develop the knowledge and skills that are necessary for working in partnership with interpreters. 

IHS Suicide Prevention Initiative
This presentation, delivered at the January 2009 grantee meeting describes how the Indian Health Service Prevention program has partnered with tribes and tribal organizations, federal, state and local agencies and others to develop and implement suicide prevention initiatives.
Mental health: Culture, race, and ethnicity. - A supplement to Mental health: A report of the Surgeon GeneralConsiders mental health services for the following racial and ethnic groups: African Americans; American Indians and Alaska Natives; Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders; and Hispanic Americans;
National healthcare disparities report
This report represents the first national comprehensive effort to measure differences in access and use of health care services by various populations. The report includes a broad set of performance measures that can serve as baseline views of differences in the use of services. The report presents data on the differences in the use of services, access to health care, and impressions of quality for seven clinical conditions, including cancer, diabetes, end-stage renal disease, heart disease, HIV and AIDS, mental health, and respiratory disease as well as data on maternal and child health, nursing home and home health care, and patient safety. It also examines differences in use of services by priority populations.
Native youth suicide prevention program (NYSP) evaluation update This presentation was delivered at the State and Tribal Suicide Prevention Grantees Meeting, January, 2009, for the Continuing Grantee Panel on Local Evaluation, Enhanced Evaluation. It describes an evaluation of the impact of the NYSP on awareness and community readiness. NYSP is a program of NARA NW, a coalition of 8 Tribal communities and Portland State University with programming based upon traditional, spiritual and cultural beliefs,integrated with best practices.
Workshop summary of a meeting to:"examine how culture pertaining to ethnicity can be considered in the development and implementation of suicide preventive interventions." Three fielded studies were considered as examples in reducing suicide risk and included studies focused on African American, Hispanic/Latino, and American Indian communities. The summary contains a list of participants, agenda, and examples of suicide prevention models that incorporate culture with research and pragmatic approaches and considerations.
Preventing suicidal behavior among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth: Developing LGBT cultural competence
Lists criteria for agencies, schools and the individuals who work for them to assess LGBT cultural competence, with an emphasis on suicide risk among LGBT youth.
Quick guide to working with interpreters in mental health settings
A manual from Australia on how to: book an appropriate interpreter; check him/her; communicate with an interpreter before, during, and after meeting.
Recommendations on issues of access to and inclusion in behavioral health services for LGBTQI consumers
The Pennsylvania Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) through contract with the UPenn Collaborative on Community Integration, formed a workgroup to make recommendations to ensure that OMHSAS, and other health providers and agencies acted to reduce disparities in outcomes between GLBTQI individuals with a mental illness and the general population. The workgroup recommendations centered around the goals of ensuring that GLBTQI individuals with a mental illness were protected from mistreatment and offered clinically competent mental health care services in welcoming environments.
Rural health disparities  This webpage discusses rural health disparities and links to various resources on the topic.
Suicide among refugees: Understanding the social and cultural context for prevention strategies In this webinar, Dr. Heidi Ellis, Director of Children's Hospital Center for Refugee Trauma and Resilience, discussed factors contributing to high rates of suicide among certain refugee groups and proposed prevention strategies.
To live to see the great day that dawns: Preventing suicide by American Indian and Alaska Native youth and young adultsThe purpose of this guide is to support AI/AN communities and those who serve them in developing effective, culturally appropriate suicide prevention plans. This guide lays the groundwork for comprehensive prevention planning, with prevention broadly defined to include programs that a community can use to promote the mental health of its young. The guide also covers actions community can take in response to a suicide to help the community heal and thereby prevent related suicidal behaviors.