In past issues of The Empowerment Magazine, we have shared many tools and strategies to increase contentment and happiness. These tools empower us to make choices to promote our happiness—recognizing that we have more choice than we think we have. We often trick our self into believing we are powerless, when in fact we are not.
I have discovered that people who live a happier or more contented life, have developed some basic philosophies that guide their life in the most inspirational way. I am betting that Donald Trump, Oprah and Michael Jordan among other successful individuals have a well remembered set of guiding wisdoms. It becomes clear that philosophies of life sustain us through the struggles, and can even quiet the chaos in our spirit.
So why do we need a guiding philosophy? If we believe that life is a journey, then on that journey we need signposts along the way. We need those wise, profound signposts to guide us in the right direction so that we reduce those unfortunate detours where we get a little lost. Sometimes, when emotions take over in a life struggle, we forget all the wisdom we ever heard or learned.
If we have already created a deeply held philosophy, signposts will remind us what we already know to be true. And those signposts will ease our way.
Having some guiding principles of life, gives us a window on what gives life the all important meaning and purpose, fulfillment and sense of connection.
These wisdoms tell us what is of value in life; they connect us to our heart and ignite our personal power. Chances are, we didn’t get much guiding wisdom in childhood and chances are, we got misguided information along the way. This misguided information can be replaced with greater truths that will increase our happiness.
The good news is that we can borrow the wisdom of the ages from ancient times down to the great thinkers of today. The internet is a great resource for finding philosophies—spoken by scientists, psychologists, celebrities, and spiritual leaders—there is a wealth of wisdom to draw from.