Sacramento Boys and Men of Color 2015 Summit
2015 Boys and Men on Color Summit This Week!!!
The BMoC Sacramento Summit is an annual full day event which is focused on galvanizing community power and inspiring youth action. The purpose of the summit is to create system change by mobilizing young people and inspiring dialogue between youth activists and local leaders regarding the development of a community action plan to improve the health, safety and educational outcomes for Boys and Men of Color in the Sacramento area. At the end of the summit participants will be encouraged to participate in in going BMoC activities and events.
This year's event is on Thursday, July 16th from 9:00 am - 4:30 pm at the Sacramento State Alumni Center. This event is free but participants must complete an application form, which you can find by clicking here. Attendees should be male identified, between the ages of 14-18, of any sexual orientation or gender expression/ presentation. They must commit to be present for the entire summit (all day) and attendees will be encouraged to stay involved with the BMoC movement after the summit. Positive events will be provided throughout the year for those interested in continuing this important work throughout the year.