I.Direct verbal warning: One ofthe best indicators is the client suicidal statements. Never dismiss a suicidal statement as unimportant
2.Plan: The more detailed, lethal, and feasible the plan, the greater the risk.
3.Past attempts: Most completed suicides were preceded by a prior tempt.
4.Indirect statements and behavioral signs: Suicidal people oflen provide subtle remarks and behaviors suggesting that they may no longer be around,
5.Depression: Depressed people have a 20 times greater rate of suicide than the general population.
6.Hopelessness: A feeling of hopelessness is perhaps the strongest indicator of suicidal potential.
7.Intoxication: A lcohol contributes to about one-third to one-half of all suicides.
8.Clinical syndromes: Suicide rates are highest among those with Mood Disorders, Alcohol Abuse, organic brain syndrome, Delusional Panic Disorder; Schizophrenia, and Borderline Personality Disorder.
9.Gender: The suicide rate for men is about three times greatet-than for women.