Five Levels of Suicidal Risk
I. Nonexistent: No suicidal ideation or plans exist
2. Mild: Suicidal ideation but no concrecte plans exist. Few risk factors are present.
3. Moderate: Suicidal ideation and a general plan exist. Self control is intact. client knows several reasons to live,"and client does not intend to kill him-or herself. Some risk ractors are present.
4.Severe: Suicidalideation is frequent and intense. Plan is specific and leathal means are available, and nearby helping resources are few. Self control questionable, but the client does not really "want" to kill him-or her self .
intent appears low. Many risk factors may be present.
5.Extreme: Same description as Severe, except that the client expresses a clear intent to kill him-or herself as soon as the opportunity present it self. Many risk factors are usually present.