Sacramento Non-Profit Collaboration Project Directory
Bridging the Gaps with Points of Contact
Associated Prison Ministry of Northern California
Contact Name, Title: Pastor Carr Phone Number: Email:
Services: Housing, Employment, Education, Counseling, Shelter, Clothing, Food, Addiction Treatment, Domestic Violence
Population: Homeless, Low Income, Youth, Elderly, Disabled, Families, Mentally ill, Women, Veterans, Parolees
Call 583.9215 to speak with Pastor Carr or Leon Henderson at 504.8670
The Birth Connection
Contact Name, Title: Lois Baxter, Executive Director
Phone Number: or cell. Email: or
Address: 4421 A Street, Sacramento CA 95819 Website:
Services: Counseling, Parenting Support, Adoption Planning and Recovery
Population: Pregnant women. We offer each woman a safe place to explore the life choices of parenting and adoption, the decisions she makes will provide her child with a hope and a future. Please all for assistance on referrals, many of our clients are at risk due to mental illness, homelessness and are aged out foster kids.
Contact Name, Title: Carol Noreen, Executive Director
Phone Number: Email:
Address: P O Box 278383, Sacramento CA 95827 Website:
Services: Mental Health Advocacy, Legal Services, Advocacy for foster youth and transitioning young adults
Population: Youth and foster youth up to the age of 21 Ensuring consistency and support for children in the foster care system through the use of volunteer advocates advancing the best interests of each child. Referrals come from the Juvenile Court, CPS, schools and foster family agencies. We are willing to take referrals from agencies that work with youth who may need advocacy in education and want to understand how to make referrals to agencies assisting the homeless and mentally ill adults.
Elica Health Centers
Contact Name, Title: Tanya Flek, Chief Operating Officer Irina Gerez, Office Manager
Phone Number: Email:
Address: 3701 J Street, Suite 200 Sacramento CA 95812 Website:
Services: Education, Mental Health, Medical Population: Homeless, Low Income, Youth, Elderly, Disabled, Pregnant, Families, Mentally ill, Women, Immigrants EHC is dedicated to administering professional and compassionate health homes that serve the needs of low-income, multi-ethnic populations throughout the greater Sacramento area, particularly immigrant communities. The uninsured are eligible to apply for a sliding scale fee by filling out an application and presenting an ID card.
Francis House Center
Contact Name, Title: Ahisha Lewis, Program Manager
Phone Number: Email: 1422 C Street, Sacramento CA 95814
Services: Shelter, Housing, Employment, Education, Resource Counseling, Direct Services
Population: Homeless, Low Income, Disabled, Families, Veterans, Women, Elderly, Parolees, Pregnant
We currently provide the following services: Direct Services – (M-T-W-F, 9am-12pm & Th. 12pm-3pm) offering 2 bus passes per week, CAID, birth certificates (need a letter from a requesting agency), DMV print out, CADL (for job, interview, with a current valid registration). Family Rescue – Pre-screening (M-T-W-F, 1pm-3pm & Th. 9am-12pm), four families a week selected to stay for seven days in a motel. Job Development Center (M-T-W-F, 9am-3pm & Th. 12pm – 3pm) provides support with a computer lab and assistance with resume building, job applications and housing. Other services: veteran’s services, seniors advisory, notary, SSI.
Lutheran Social Services
Contact Name, Title: Carol Roberts, CEO Phone Number: , ext. 11
Email: Address: 3734 Broadway Blvd., Sacramento CA 95820 Website:
Services: Housing, Employment, Education, Counseling
Population: Homeless, Low Income, Youth, Disabled, Families, Mentally ill When people are vulnerable because of homelessness, mental illness, drug addiction or disaster, we provide support services and compassionate guidance to help individuals, families, and youth emerging from foster care stabilize their lives and become self-sufficient. Referrals come from housing wait lists, local shelters, ILP, Loaves & Fishes and Mary House. Partnerships with other agencies would be helpful on the program side of services. The referral process is already full.
NAMI Sacramento
Contact Name, Title: Nicole Williams, Program Director Phone Number:
Email: Address: 3440 Viking Drive, Suite 125 Sacramento, CA 95
Services: Education, Mental Health, Support Groups Population: Mentally ill
National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI advocates for access to services, treatment, support and research and is steadfast in its commitment to raise awareness and build a community of hope for all of those in need. The only eligibility requirement is that there is mental illness. Call for more information. All the services are free.
Next Move (formerly known as Sacramento Emergency Housing Center)
Contact Name, Title: LaTisha Daniels, CSBG Housing Specialist
Phone Number: Shelter Email: Address: 2925 34th Street, Sacramento, CA 95820 Website:
Services: Housing, Employment, Shelter, Clothing, Addiction Treatment Population: Homeless, Pregnant, Families, Women We move homeless families and individuals to self-sufficiency and self-reliance. Our services include providing individual success plans, self-sufficiency workshops and groups on living skills, parenting, budgeting, housing, health and mental health care, housing relocation assistance, employment readiness and community support services.
Pathways to Success After Homelessness
Contact Name, Title: Dorothy Harmon, Team Leader
Phone Number: Phone ext. 3042 Fax Cell Email:
Address: 601 N. Market Blvd., Suite 350, Sacramento, CA 95834 Website:
Services: Housing, Employment, Education, Medical, Mental Health, Counseling, Disability, Shelter, Clothing, Food, Suicide Prevention, Linkage Population: Homeless, Low Income, Youth, Elderly, Disabled, Pregnant, Families, Mentally ill, Women, Veterans, Immigrants, Parolees. Turning Point Community Programs has offered a path to mental health since 1976. We provide psychiatric services, support and advocacy for people working to overcome the effects of mental illness.
Sacramento City College - Workability III
Contact Name, Title: Elisher Taylor, Student Personnel Assistant Phone Number:
Email: Address: 3835 Freeport Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95822
Services: Employment, Education Population: Youth, Disabled, Mentally ill, Women, Veterans WorkAbility III is a cooperative program between Sacramento City College and the California Department of Rehabilitation. WorkAbility III serves students with disabilities who are clients of the Department of Rehab. WorkAbility III can work with people who have disabilities, and are facing challenges finding or keeping employment. Or, if you are making a career change or have become disabled, you can get help through WAIII. Start by opening a case with the Dept. of Rehabilitation, you must have a documented disability. For more information about becoming a DR client, please call .
Sacramento Job Corps
Contact Name, Title: Brian Broadway, Business & Community Liaison Phone Number:
Email: Address: 3100 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95823 Website:
Services: Housing, Education, Low Income, Disability, Childcare
Population: Homeless, Low Income, Youth, Disabled, Veterans
We support the Job Corps program's mission of teaching eligible young people aged, 16-24 years old, the skills they need to become employable and independent and placing them in meaningful jobs or further education with vocational training.
Shingle Springs Tribal TANF Program
Contact Name, Title: John Kinney, Executive Assistant Phone Number: direct line main line
Email: Address: 2030 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 Website:
Services: Education, Counseling, Food, Suicide Prevention, Domestic Violence, Social Services, Prevention
Population: Low Income, Youth, Elderly, Families, Women
The Shingle Springs Tribal TANF Program incorporates culture and traditions into all aspects of the program in order to strengthen and solidify the Native families and assist in addressing and resolving issues which create barriers to self-sufficiency. Eligibility is based on being able to provide the proper documents which are available at the office.
SHRA ROSS (Residential Opportunity for Self Sufficiency)
Contact Name, Title: Karen Simmons, Housing Technician
Phone Number: Email: Address: 801 12th Street Sacramento CA 95814
Services: Housing, Employment, Disability, Resource Coordinator
Population: Low Income, Youth, Elderly, Disabled, Pregnant, Families, Mentally ill, Women, Veterans, Immigrants
The Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency brings together funding resources and staff expertise to develop and implement innovative and creative strategies. We use these tools to help address housing and economic needs in low income communities and older commercial corridors in the City and County of Sacramento. Referrals for housing can be made online and at the housing site. Referrals for ROSS come from site managers or self-referrals of residents.
SHRA – Resident Services
Contact Name, Title: Naida Enriquez, Residential Services Coordinator Phone Number:
Email: Address: 801 12th Street Sacramento CA 95814 Website:
Services: Housing, Employment, Disability
Population: Low Income, Youth, Elderly, Disabled, Pregnant, Families, Mentally ill, Women, Veterans, Immigrants
The Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency brings together funding resources and staff expertise to develop and implement innovative and creative strategies. We use these tools to help address housing and economic needs in low income communities and older commercial corridors in the City and County of Sacramento. Referrals for housing can be made online and at the housing site. Referrals for ROSS come from site managers or self-referrals of residents.
Traveler’s Aid Emergency Assistance Agency
Contact Name, Title: Elnor Tillson, Executive Director Wanda Williams, Director of Finance
Phone Number: Email:
Address: 2251 Florin Road Suite 124, Sacramento CA 95814 Website:
Services: Housing, Education, Clothing Population: Homeless, Low Income, Families
Travelers Aid agencies provide shelter for the homeless, transitional housing, job training, counseling, local transportation assistance and other programs to help people who encounter crisis as they journey through life. Program participants must be working and have children. We assist the working poor transition from homelessness to a sustainable environment through rental assistance and education. Prospective clients must call and obtain an appointment for a short screening process. They will be interviewed, information verified, counseled and confirmed as previously homeless.
YMCA of Superior California
Contact Name, Title: JR Springer,Membership Director
Phone Number: Email:
Services: Gym, Health & Wellness, Low Cost Showers
Population: Homeless, Low Income, Youth, Elderly, Disabled, Pregnant, Families, Women
Our mission is seeking to strengthen the foundations of community by serving youth, teens, families and seniors through programs that improve quality of life, provide a foundation for healthy living, build relationships with others, demonstrate positive values and preserve important services/activities in the community.