Top Ten Job Interview Tips
1. Research the company before the interview (their Web site, Google, business press, etc.).
2. Prepare a list ofstories you can tell about yourself that you solving problems or contributing to a team effort.
3. Practice interviewing with a friend, or in mock interviews in your career center.
4. Discover how people dress on the job, and prepare to dress as they would on a day when an out-of-town big shot visits the office.
5. Consider removing piercings and covering tattoos.
6. Allow plenty oftime to arrive at your appointment five minutes early.
7. Have a firm, business-like handshake. (Ifin doubt, practice,practice, practice.)
8. Sell yourself, be positive and confident, and don't hold backˇ ame on representing your abilities.ˇ
9. Find out what happens next: how many interviews, when they'll make a decision, what you should do next.
10. Send a thank-you note (by email and by mail) immediately both after the meeting.