- Sleep disturbance,
- social isolation or withdrawal,
- reduced ability to carry out work or other roles,
- difficulties with concentration or attention,
- sense of alteration of self, others or the outside world (e.g. feeling that self or others have changed or are acting different in some way),
- strange ideas,
- unusual perceptual experiences (such as a reduction or greater intensity of smell, sound or color),
- delusions,
- hallucinations,
- depression,
- anxiety,
- irritability,
- suspiciousness,
- blunted,
- flat or inappropriate emotion,
- change in appetite,
- reduced energy and motivation,
- increased energy and overactivity,
- indecisiveness and confusion,
- tendency to believe others see you in a negative light,
- thoughts of death and suicide,
- withdrawal from others,
- worrying, neglect of
- responsibilities,
- loss of interest in personal
- appearance,
- loss of motivation,
- drug or alcohol use frequent self-criticism,
- self-blame,
- pessimism,
- impaired memory and concentration
- elated mood,
- needing less sleep than usual,
- rapid thinking and speech,
- lack of inhibitions,
- grandiose delusions,
- lack of insight,
- sadness,
- anxiety,
- guilt,
- anger,
- lack of emotional responsiveness,
- helplessness,
- hopelessness,
- self-criticism,
- self-blame,
- pessimism,
- impaired memory and concentration,
- indecisiveness and confusion,
- thoughts of death and suicide,
- crying spells, withdrawal from others,
- worrying,
- neglect of responsibilities,
- loss of interest in personal appearance,
- loss of motivation,
- chronic fatigue,
- lack of energy,
- overeating or loss of appetite,
- constipation,
- weight loss or gain,
- loss of sexual desire,
- heart palpitations,
- chest pain,
- rapid heartbeat,
- flushing,
- hyperventilation,
- shortness of breath, dizziness,
- hopelessness,
- lack of emotional responsiveness, helplessness
- headache,
- sweating,
- tingling and numbness,
- choking,
- dry mouth,
- nausea,
- vomiting,
- diarrhea,
- muscle aches,
- restlessness,
- tremors/shaking,
- unrealistic and/or excessive fear and worry,
- mind racing or going blank,
- decrease concentration and memory,
- indecisiveness,
- irritability,
- impatience,
- anger,
- confusion,
- restlessness or feeling “on edge” or nervousness,
- tiredness,
- sleep disturbance,
- vivid dream,
- avoidance of situations, obsessive or
- compulsive behavior,
- distress in social situations,
- phobic behavior, chronic
- lack of energy,
- sleeping too much or too little,
- overeating or loss of appetite,
- weight loss or gain,
- irregular menstrual cycle,
- loss of sexual desire,
- unexplained aches and pains,
- guilt,
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